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Our wants have grown more complicated; the ten-course banquet, with all that it involves, has substituted itself for the handful of fruits and nuts gathered without labour; the stalled ox and a world of trouble for the dinner of herbs and leisure therewith.

It was not necessary that everybody should take the same view of life that pleased us. The world would not get on very well without people who preferred parlour-cars to canoes, and patent-leather shoes to India-rubber boots, and ten-course dinners to picnics in the woods.

Give me a ten-course dinner at the Savoy, and you may have all the women in London I don't go a cent on them." To revert to Kelson. From the hour he had first seen Lilian Rosenberg he had become more and more deeply enamoured.

Then when his employer laughed openly, he broke out at a white-heat. "Joke, eh? Well, you'd better have a good laugh while you can, because Humpy Joe's finish will be a ten-course dinner to what you'll get if Covington misses his train." "How easily frightened you are!" "Yes? Well, any time people start shooting shots I'm too big for this earth. The hole in a gun looks as big as a gas-tank to me."

He was not a sociable person, and no Florentine had ever partaken of a meal with him, but it was currently reported that he sat through a ten-course dinner every night of his life, crumbling the bread at the side of his plate, and invariably refusing to partake of nine of the dishes that were handed in form by the old butler.

I remember as if it were yesterday the stimulating tang of the frosty air and the racy problem of the open sea yet to be covered. The bag of birds which we had captured when we had driven in for shelter from the storm made our dry-diet supper sweeter than any Delmonico ten-course dinner, because we had wrested it ourselves from the reluctant environment.

The gentleman of today who delightedly dons his dress suit and escorts into a ten-course dinner some lady mountain climber or other celebrity, is probably little aware of what he owes to his forefathers for having so painstakingly devised for him such a pleasant method of spending his time.

"Thank you; it's such a waste of time to say Lady Tennyson. Shall I order dinner, cook?" "We'll have a ten-course dinner, sir, of cocoanuts and plums, sir, if you please, sir." "Breakfast warmed over, I see," he murmured, gazing resignedly toward the trees. Later on he managed to get some life into his watch and eventually it gave promise of faithful work. He set the hands at twelve o'clock.

I hate to eat alone." "Thank you, I should be pleased. That is to say it depends on where you dine." "Wherever you like. I dine at restaurants, and I'm not faithful to any particular one." "I prefer to dine as Addison preferred, on one or two good things well cooked, and no more. Toiling through a ten-course table d'hote menu is really too wearisome even to a man who is used to weariness."

I would have with me a couple of big dogs, who would talk to me with their eyes, so full of dumb thought, and together we would wander over the uplands, seeking our dinner, after the old primitive fashion of the men who dreamt not of ten-course dinners and Savoy suppers. Then in the evening, with pipe in mouth, beside my log-wood fire, I would sit and think, until new knowledge came to me.