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It was a magnificent silver tea-service, borne down the aisle by the two men who, next to Standish, were Henry's best friends. Anna was utterly speechless, and Henry was coughing diligently. The service was placed on the piano; Henry touched the cool smoothness of a cream-jug, and tried to crystallize his thought into coherence. The applause had died away; the house was quiet, expectant.

The colonel quickly stepped into the breach, and the introduction of Courtlandt became general. Nora bowed, and became at once engaged in an animated conversation with the Barone, who had just finished his set victoriously. The padre's benign smile slowly faded. Presently the servants brought out the tea-service.

He, in turn, was tenderly respectful to her; they did not know what it was to exchange an unkind or an impatient word. Thyrza liked especially to have tea here on Sunday. The appointments of the table seemed to her luxurious, for the tea-service was uniform and of pretty, old-fashioned pattern, and simple little dainties of a kind new to her were generally forthcoming.

He had hung some engravings on his walls, and these had become very dear to him; and there were some spoons, bought at an auction some time ago old, worn Georgian spoons that his hands were accustomed to the use of; there was an old tea-service, with flowers painted inside the cups, and he was leaving these things; why? He sought for a reason for his leaving them.

This afternoon, whether by accident or design, he said no word that might jar on her religious scruples; he even appeared to sympathise with religious life, and admitted that the world was not much, and to renounce the world was sublime. The conversation paused, and he said, "I think the tea-service suits the room. You haven't thanked me for it yet, Evelyn."

Margery retreated to the work-table, work-box, and tea-service, which she examined with hushed exclamations. An entertainment thus surprisingly begun could not fail to progress well.

The three little squatting women, graceful and dainty, with their narrow slits of eyes, their magnificent coiffures in huge bows, smooth and shining as shoe-polish, and the little tea-service on the floor, the landscape seen through the veranda, the pagoda perched among the clouds; and over all the same affectation everywhere, in every detail.

Now as she approached the sitting-room, through the open door she caught sight of the blue and silver of the walls, a pair of old blue curtains and a tea-table decorated with a tea-service and a blue bowl of yellow jonquils.

On the terrace was spread a tea-service of silver and on the grass were children's toys hoops, tennis-balls, and flat on its back, staring up wide-eyed at the shells, a large, fashionably dressed doll. In another house everything was destroyed except the mantel over the fireplace in the drawing-room. On this stood a terra-cotta statuette of Harlequin. It is one you have often seen.

The happy trio went on with their preparations, and when the table was brought out on to the lawn, and had received not only the pure white and green tea-service, but the very elegant floral decorations invented by the cousins, it really had a most imposing appearance, and was pronounced by the highest authority to be perfect.