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"Perhaps I had better put my question in this way Had you, at any time, any prospect of becoming engaged to Mr. Meeson?" "None whatever." "Did you submit to this tattooing, which must have been painful, with a view of becoming engaged to the plaintiff?" "Certainly not. I may point out," she added, with hesitation, "that such a disfigurement is not likely to add to anybody's attractions."

It takes but fifteen minutes to get reconciled to the tattooing, and but fifteen more to perceive that it is just the thing. After that, the undecorated European face is unpleasant and ignoble. Dr. Hockin gave us a ghastly curiosity a lignified caterpillar with a plant growing out of the back of its neck a plant with a slender stem 4 inches high.

Tattooing, which, with the Polynesians and Melenesians, was probably a race memory of clothing in a less tropical clime, was condemned bitterly by the white censors as causing nudity. A man or woman whose legs and body were covered with marvellous arabesques and gaudy pictures of palms and fish was not apt to hide them under garments. And here the censor also had an ally in the trader.

It has been suggested, as throwing doubt upon Miss Smithers' story, that the existence of an engagement to marry, between her and the plaintiff, may have prompted her to concoct a monstrous fraud for his benefit; and this is suggested although at the time of the execution of the tattooing no such engagement did, as a matter of fact, exist, or was within measurable distance of the parties.

Into the midst of the assembly advances a very young man, whom you can picture to yourself with sea-green eyes, long fair hair, and perhaps some tattooing. A chief of the tribe is present, who without delay places gravely in the hands of the young man a framea and a buckler. Failing a sovereign ruler, it is the father of the youth, or some relative, who undertakes this delivery of weapons.

Another of a very similar character now in the Davenport Museum is about one-half the size of this. The face is much mutilated. A third is somewhat larger than the one illustrated, but is nearly the same in finish and color. The face also has the semblance of death, but the features are different, possessing very decided Indian characteristics. There is no tattooing.

With the babiche thong he had taken from his enemies he bound him hand and foot. A shaft of light fell full on the giant's face and naked chest where it had been laid bare in the struggle and Philip was about to rise when a purplish patch, of tattooing caught his eyes.

In the midst sat Rake, tattooing with an eastern skill the skin of a great lion, that a year before he had killed in single combat in the heart of Oran, having watched for the beast twelve nights in vain, high perched on a leafy crest of rock, above a water-course.

But, little as these matters seem in general to have attracted the attention of the ancient writers, their works still contain many notices of the practice of tattooing. Herodotus mentions it as prevailing among the Thracians, certain of whom, he says, exhibit such marks on their faces as an indication of their nobility.

The pain was excessive; but as all the islanders were tattooed about the loins, I presumed it was an operation that I must submit to, and bore it with fortitude. "And pray what is that tattooing?" "Tattooing, may it please your highness, is puncturing the skin with needles or sharp points and then rubbing Indian ink or gunpowder into the wounds. This leaves an indelible mark of a deep blue tint.