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The appearance of the old Moor is such that John comes to a sudden stop Ben Taleb's eyes are dilated he stares at the young man in a fierce way, and his whole body appears to swell with rising emotions. "Stop!" he thunders, and claps his hands in an excited way.

Such was the Taleb's prayer, and such was the scene of it the dumb angel of white and crimson turning and tossing on the bed in an aureole of her streaming yellow hair, and the four black faces about her, eager and hot and aflame, with closed eyelids and open lips, calling down mercy out of heaven from the God that might be seen by the soul alone.

And marvellous and passing belief as the old Taleb's story seemed to be, it appeared to be coming to pass, for even while he spoke, beginning in a slow whisper and going on with quicker and louder breath, Naomi turned her face full upon him; and when the black women in their ready faith, joined in his shouts of praise, she turned her face towards them also; and wherever a voice sounded in the room she inclined her head towards it as one who knew the direction of the sounds, and also as one who was in fear of them.

But, seeing nothing of her look of pain, and knowing nothing but one thing only, and that was the wondrous and mighty change that she who had been deaf could now hear, that she who had never before heard speech now heard their voices as they spoke around her, Ali, in his frantic delight laughing and crying together, his white teeth aglitter, and his round black face shining with tears, began to shout and to sing, and to dance around the bed in wild joy at the miracle which God had wrought in answer to his old Taleb's prayer.

No heed did he pay to the Taleb's cries of warning, but danced on and on, and neither did the bondwomen see the old man's uplifted arms or his big lips pursed out in hushes, so overpowered were they with their delight, so startled and so joy drunken. But over their tumult there came a wild outburst of piercing shrieks.

I make the tour of the Oasis. Visit to the Souk. Prejudices against me diminish. First sight of Birds. A young Taleb's specimen of Writing. My Turjeman's House. The Negro Dervish. Touarick Camel Races. A few Drops of Rain. Various Visits, Conversations, &c., about Timbuctoo. Prevalent Diseases, and my Medicine Chest. Evening previous to the Ramadan. Houses, Public Buildings, and Streets.