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Captain Sweetsir, on his own part, did not apprehend trouble, either, but the A.-G.'s bland and unconscious encouragement of laxity was distinctly irritating, "Excuse me, sir, but I have been telling 'em right along that there will be a rumpus. I was trying to key 'em up!" "Remember that you're a citizen as well as a soldier!" The general rebuked his subaltern sternly.

His voice faltered as he said the words, "The dog has found the pocketbook!" He opened the book with shaking hands. A betting-book was bound up in it, with the customary calendar. He turned to the date of the day after the robbery. There was the entry: "Felix Sweetsir. Paid 500 pounds. Moody took from his waistcoat pocket his own memorandum of the number of the lost bank-note.

Being nothing if not a cultivated amateur, Mr. Sweetsir paused to pay his passing tribute of admiration before the contents of the cabinet. "Charming! charming!" he said to himself, with his head twisted appreciatively a little on one side. Lady Lydiard and Moody left him in undisturbed enjoyment of the china, and went on with the business of the bank-note.

I knew in my own heart that it took its rise in the inveterate dislike that I have always felt for Mr. Sweetsir, and I distrusted it accordingly. But I went back to Sharon, for all that, and put the case into his hands. His investigations informed me that Mr. Hardyman. Further inquiries showed that Mr. Hardyman had taken the lead in declaring that he would post Mr.

Objects worth twice five hundred pounds in the aggregate were scattered about on the tables and in the unlocked cabinets all round him. Moody withdrew, without further hesitation, to order the light restorative prescribed for himself by Mr. Sweetsir. The footman who took the curacoa into the picture gallery found Felix recumbent on a sofa, admiring the famous Hobbema.

Sweetsir, in the line of business, had had opportunity on previous occasions to observe the reaction of the Morrison's reticence. The adjutant-general did not bother with the elevator. He marched up the middle of the grand stairway. The State House was only partially illuminated with discreet stint of lights.

From his residence! I informed him that all was serene on Capitol Hill." "And what did he say when he called you this time?" "Nothing! Oh, nothing by way of criticism! Distinctly affable!" Captain Sweetsir did not display the enthusiasm that General Totten seemed to expect. "Let's see, Captain! You are employed by him?" "Not quite that way! I'm a mill student learning the wool business at St.

After a moment's consideration, Felix followed him into the drawing-room, with the air of a man who was determined not to be repelled. "Well?" asked Hardyman. "What is it?" "About that matter?" Felix said, inquiringly. "What matter?" "Oh, you know. Will next week do?" "Next week won't do." Mr. Felix Sweetsir cast one look at his friend.

Even in her absorption in the affair between Stewart and the adjutant-general she had been aware of the rising tumult outside. The bellow of voices had settled into a sort of chant of, "Time's up time's up!" Captain Sweetsir had deployed his men across the rotunda behind the machine-guns. When he beheld the mayor and the general on the stairs he saluted nervously.