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Stan's to reason that when they found theirselves onable to steer clear o' that there spout they'd go below and shut theirselves up as best they could, knowin' as nothin' livin' could surwive a waterspout tramplin' over 'em, as one may say; but where be them there chaps now? If they was all right they'd be out on deck by this time wouldn't they? lookin' roun' to see the extent o' the damage.

Weller, lighting the pipe by the ingenious process of holding to the bowl thereof, between the tongs, a red-hot coal from the adjacent fire; and what's more, my dear, I shall manage to surwive it, if he don't come back at all. 'Ugh, you wretch! said Mrs. Weller. 'Thank'ee, my love, said Mr. Weller. 'Come, come, father, said Sam, 'none o' these little lovin's afore strangers.

'I'm afraid you'll find it inconveniently large. 'Don't mention it, said Sam, taking a letter with a small enclosure. 'It's just possible as exhausted natur' may manage to surwive it. 'I hope we shall meet again, Sir, said the powdered-headed footman, rubbing his hands, and following Sam out to the door-step. 'You are wery obligin', sir, replied Sam.

The buttons is all well enough, but blue reminds me so of the bobbies that I don't think I could surwive it long indeed I don't!" "Robin," said I reproachfully, "I'm grieved at your indifference to friendship." "'Ow so, sir?" "Have you not mentioned merely your objections and the disadvantages, without once weighing against them the advantages?" "Vich is ?"

"I'll excuse you, Tom Fillot, but I shall not do it." "Very good, sir; you're officer, I'm only man; but I'm afeared of 'em." "I don't believe it, Tom." "Well, sir, I don't mean feared in one way, but in the t'other. I mean I'm feared they'll get out, and if they do, and we surwive, they'll either put us in irons or set us ashore." "They've got to get out yet, Tom.