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Those artists who, after the manner of another illustrious master, inundate their canvasses with violet shades do not see in nature more violet than was detected there fifty years ago; but they are influenced, "suggestioned," by the personal and special impressions of a painter who, in spite of this eccentricity, was successful in acquiring great prestige.

But was he not now, perhaps, exaggerating its character, "suggestioned" as it were by the obvious turmoil of Mr. Harding? He wondered, and was disturbed by his wonderment. Two or three times he got up, with the intention of jumping into a cab, and going to Westminster to find out if Professor Stepton was in town. But he only got as far as the hall. Then something seemed to check him.

"Any unusual change in his outward man since you knew him two years ago?" asked the professor, when he had finished. Malling mentioned the question as to the curate's eyes and mouth which had risen in his mind, and added: "But the character of the man is so changed that it may have suggestioned me into feeling as if there were physical change in him, too."

To return to the faculty of observation possessed by crowds, our conclusion is that their collective observations are as erroneous as possible, and that most often they merely represent the illusion of an individual who, by a process of contagion, has suggestioned his fellows. Facts proving that the most utter mistrust of the evidence of crowds is advisable might be multiplied to any extent.

Still, others who have may have 'suggestioned' me. Three quarters of any man's fame, you know, are due to mere suggestion." "You're not the man to be the prey of that, I fancy not the easy prey, at any rate." "Then we're left again with no explanation at all, unless, as I believe I hinted once before, you can give us one."

We have here, in my opinion, one of the most remarkable indications of the mental state of crowds, and especially of the facility with which they are suggestioned. The unreal has almost as much influence on them as the real. They have an evident tendency not to distinguish between the two. The power of conquerors and the strength of States is based on the popular imagination.

It seemed to me that he was 'suggestioned, partly perhaps by his implicit trust in me, partly by his own desire that something curious should happen. However, still playing a part in pursuance of my resolve not to let Chichester know my real object in this matter, I pretended that I, too, perceived an alteration in him, as if his personality were strengthening.