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I expect it's the prospects of easy money that's chirked him up so; but he sure is a misfit to be subbin' on a deeds-of-kindness job. That ain't my lookout, though. All I got to do is pass on his plans and see that he carries 'em out accordin' to specifications. So I don't even look up this tank station on the map. A couple of days go by, three, and no bulletin from J. Bayard.

Sure enough, soon's I took it and started for the door the whole push quits eatin' cheese and bread out of their pockets and falls in right after me. "Fine!" says Mr. Robert, grabbin' my hat and chuckin' it after me. "Go on, Torchy! Keep going!" "Ah, say!" says I. "I ain't subbin' for Cliffy. This is his gang." But Mr. Robert only grins and motions me to be on my way.

"Nothing tragic like that," says I. "Just subbin' in for the gardener. Pulling a little honest toil, such as maybe you've read about but haven't met." "Doing it on a bet, I suppose?" suggests Norris. "Ah, run along and don't get comic," says I. And with that I tears into the sod again, puttin' both shoulders and my back into the swing.

Honest, he was almost on the point of apologizin' to Vincent when there comes this knock on the private office door and I'm signalled to see who it is. I finds one of the youths from the filin' room who's subbin' in on the gate for Vincent. He grins and whispers the message and I tells-him to stay there a minute. "It's a lady to see you, Mr. Ellins," says I. "Mrs. Jerome St Claire."

I'll take a stab at anything, from meetin' a strike committee of the Amalgamated Window Washers' Union to subbin' in as president for Old Hickory at the annual meetin'. And between times I don't object to makin' myself as handy as a socket wrench. That is, so long as it's something that has to do with finance, high or low.

So you see, when I looks at Miss Vee there, and thinks how nice she was to me them two times when we met by accident, once at the dance where I was subbin' in the cloakroom, and again at the tea where I'd been sent to trail Mr. Robert well, even if she hadn't been such a queen, I don't think I'd forgot her right away.