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Without saying any more he took his seat, and the Professor began to resume his statement. "We must trace each of these boxes, and when we are ready, we must either capture or kill this monster in his lair, or we must, so to speak, sterilize the earth, so that no more he can seek safety in it.

He ordered that the guardship admit him to its airlock, which then was to be filled with steam and chlorine. The combination would sterilize and even partly eat away his spacesuit, after which the chlorine and steam should be bled out to space, and air from the ship let into the lock.

It was cold and wet and hit him in the face before, as he put it to Keggs later, he could get his guard up. "For the love of " "Sh!" said Mamie warningly. "What's the idea? What are you handing me?" "I've got to. It's to sterilize you. I do it to every one." "Gee! You've got a swell job! Well, go to it, then. Shoot! I'm ready." "It's boric acid," explained Mamie. "I shouldn't wonder.

Furthermore, present day sericulturists have learned much about growing silkworms, and the importance of keeping the silk-houses clean and well aired; they have found that they must preserve an even temperature within the buildings; wash the walls down with lime to purify the atmosphere; sterilize the trays from which the worms feed; and hatch the eggs in large, airy places.

Steve resumed his saga in a whirl of enthusiasm. "Gee! if they're right to start with, if they're born right, if they've got the grit in them, you can't sterilize it out of 'em if you use up half the germ-killer in the country. From the way that kid acted you'd have thought he'd been spending the last year in a training-camp.

Experience with a gas stove, particularly if it has a small burner known as a "simmerer," usually enables the cook to maintain temperatures which are high enough to sterilize the meat if it has become accidentally contaminated in any way and to make it tender without hardening the fibers. The double boiler would seem to be a neglected utensil for this purpose.

If allowed to lie for several hours or days exposed to the sunshine after being spread over the land the bacteria will be destroyed, for like most bacteria, such as those which lurk in milk pails to sour the milk, they are killed by the sunshine." " That's right," said the grandmother. "That's the way to sterilize milk pails and pans and crocks. I like crocks better than pans.

The bacillus comparatively seldom even gets on the floor or walls of a room where reasonable precautions against coughing and spitting have been taken; but it is, of course, advisable thoroughly to disinfect and sterilize the room of a patient and all its contents with corrosive sublimate and formalin, as a number of cases are on record in which the disease has been carried through books and articles of clothing which had been kept in damp, dark places for several months.

All Nansalians who went to Sator died of a mysterious disease. A method was found whereby a man's body could be sterilized, bacteriologically speaking, so he could not spread the disease, and this was used on all Satorians entering Nansal. But you can't sterilize a whole planet. Nansalians could not go to Sator. But these three men had a different idea.

The old straw in the barns and the billets is sure to be infected with lice, and it is very difficult to sterilize the men's blankets.