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Wine from Byblus in Phœnicia saturated the atmosphere with a fragrance as penetrating as bottles of perfume; that from Lesbos which on being poured gave forth a ravishing odor of roses, and, in addition to these, cups were filled with cordials from Erythrea and Heraclea, strong and spiritous, and those from Rhodes and Chios, prudently mixed with sea-water to aid the digestion.

Fermented liquors brewed, and spiritous liquors distilled, not for sale, but for private use, are not in Great Britain liable to any duties of excise. This exemption, of which the object is to save private families from the odious visit and examination of the tax-gatherer, occasions the burden of those duties to fall frequently much lighter upon the rich than upon the poor.

The moral character of a hunter is acted upon by the nature of the land he inhabits, the abundance or scarcity of food, and we may add, in the present case, his means of access to spiritous liquors. In a country so various in these respects as that inhabited by the Crees the causes alluded to must operate strongly in producing a considerable difference of character amongst the various hordes.

In some countries, extraordinary taxes are imposed upon the profits of stock; sometimes when employed in particular branches of trade, and sometimes when employed in agriculture. Of the former kind, are in England, the tax upon hawkers and pedlars, that upon hackney-coaches and chairs, and that which the keepers of ale-houses pay for a licence to retail ale and spiritous liquors.

It breathed an aroma that seemed the quintessence of angelica and hyssop blended with sea-weeds and of iodines and bromes hidden in sweet essences, and it stimulated the palate with a spiritous ardor concealed under a virginal daintiness, and charmed the sense of smell by a pungency enveloped in a caress innocent and devout.

Remarkable Instance of Suicide..... Affairs of the Continent..... Meeting of the Parliament..... Address to the King touching the Spanish Depredations..... The Excise Scheme proposed by Sir Robert Walpole..... Opposition to the Scheme..... Bill for a Dower to the Princess Royal Debate in the House of Lords concerning the Estates of the late Directors of the South-Sea Company..... Double Election of a King in Poland..... The Kings of France, Spain, and Sardinia, join against the Emperor..... The Prince of Orange arrives in England..... Altercation in the House of Commons..... Debate about the Removal of the Duke of Bolton and Lord Viscount Cobham from their respective Regiments..... Motion for the Repeal of the Septennial Act..... Conclusion of a remarkable Speech by Sir W. Wyndham...... Message from the King for Powers to augment the Forces in the Intervals between the two Parliaments..... Opposition in the House of Peers..... Parliament dissolved..... Dantzic besieged by the Russians..... Philipsburgh taken by the French..... Don Carlos takes possession of Naples..... Battle of Parma..... The Imperialists are again worsted at Gustalla..... An Edict in France, compelling the British Subjects in that Kingdom to enlist in the French Army..... New Parliament in Great Britain..... Debate on a Subsidy to Denmark..... Petition of some Scottish Noblemen to the House of Peers..... Bill explaining an Act of the Scottish Parliament touching wrongous Imprisonment..... Misunderstanding between the Courts of Spain and Portugal..... Sir John Norris sails with a strong Squadron to Lisbon..... Preliminaries signed by the Emperor and the King of France..... Proceedings in Parliament..... Bill for preventing the Retail of Spiritous Liquors..... Another for the Relief of Quakers in the Article of Tithes..... Mortmain Act..... Remarkable Riot at Edinburgh..... Rupture between the Czarina and the Ottoman Porte..... The Session of Parliament opened by Commission..... Motion in both Houses for a Settlement on the Prince of Wales..... Fierce Debate on this Subject..... Scheme by Sir John Barnard for reducing the Interest of the National Debt..... Bill against the City of Edinburgh..... Play-house Bill.

O Adam, One Almighty is, from whom All things proceed, and up to him return, If not deprav'd from good, created all Such to perfection, one first matter all, Endued with various forms, various degrees Of substance, and, in things that live, of life; But more refin'd, more spiritous and pure, As nearer to him plac'd, or nearer tending, Each in their several active spheres assigu'd, Till body up to spirit work, in bounds Proportion'd to each kind.

The hospitality of the Crees is unbounded. They afford a certain asylum to the half-breed children when deserted by their unnatural white fathers; and the infirm, and indeed every individual in an encampment, share the provisions of a successful hunter as long as they last. Fond too as a Cree is of spiritous liquors he is not happy unless all his neighbours partake with him.

It has for some time past been the policy of Great Britain to discourage the consumption of spiritous liquors, on account of their supposed tendency to ruin the health and to corrupt the morals of the common people. According to this policy, the abatement of the taxes upon the distillery ought not to be so great as to reduce, in any respect, the price of those liquors.

If iron be heated with charcoal made of holly with the bark on, the iron will be rendered brittle; but if the bark be taken off, this effect will not be produced. Ray's Works and Travels by Scott. JUNIPERUS communis. JUNIPER. An evergreen shrub, very common on waste lands. The berries are used in preparing the well-known spiritous liquor gin, and have been considered of great use in medicine.