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"A spinthariscope. In that it is possible to watch the bombardment of the countless little corpuscles thrown off by radium, as they strike on the zinc blende crystal which forms the base.

Phosphorescence and fluorescence seem especially to result from the alpha and beta rays, particularly from the alpha rays, to which belongs the most important part of the total energy of the radiation. Sir W. Crookes has invented a curious little apparatus, the spinthariscope, which enables us to examine the phosphorescence of the blende excited by these rays.

If now it is examined with a lens, brilliant sparks or points can be seen. As the radium is brought closer and closer these sparks increase in number, until, as Sir William Crookes says, we seem to be witnessing a bombardment of flying atoms hurled from the radium against the surface of the blende. A little instrument called a spinthariscope, devised by Dr.

Then the chance present of a little scientific toy invented by Sir William Crookes, a toy called the spinthariscope, on which radium particles impinge upon sulphide of zinc and make it luminous, induced him to associate the two sets of phenomena. It was a happy association for his inquiries.

There was only one more test that could be made, and he saw no use in making it. Included in the microscopy set Barby had given him was a gadget called a spinthariscope, like a cone of black plastic with the sharp end of the cone sliced off. In the wide end of the cone, inset so it wouldn't touch the eye, was a lens.

Kennedy, before him, reached down into his pocket and handed him the spinthariscope. "You see that?" he demanded. Denison looked through the eyepiece. "Wh where did you get so much of it?" he asked, a queer look on his face.

He had brought a little magnet near the spinthariscope. I looked into it. "A magnet," he explained, "shows the difference between the alpha, beta, and gamma rays. You see those weak and wobbly rays that seem to fall to one side? Those are the alpha rays. They have a strong action, though, on tissues and cells. Those falling in the other direction are the beta rays.

You see it at a thousand points, at ten thousand points, look, the world is all flashing and flickering; it is like a spinthariscope; it is aquiver with the light that is coming to mankind. It is on the verge of blazing even now." "Into a light." "Into the one Kingdom of God. See here! See here! And here!

The chemical experts have a startling theory. Chemical analysis fails to reach the radio-active properties, and for their examination the electroscope and spinthariscope are needful. With these the radio-chemists are at work. The wire melted at a lower temperature than lead, but melting did not destroy its potency.

I took a screen made of zincblende, which will phosphoresce when the emanations of radium fall upon it. But the most striking way of showing the emanations is by the little contrivance I call a Spinthariscope. In this a zinc sulphide screen is fitted at the end of a short brass tube, with a speck of radium about a millimeter away from it.