United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"I know," he said, with a nod. "It's very rarely that such an advertisement is of any use. Everybody specializes nowadays." Celia rose and went to the window, that he might not see her face. "I am stony-broke," she said. "I haven't a penny; and I'm friendless no, not friendless. How can I thank you, Mr. Clendon! The sight of you to say nothing of the food has has put fresh life into me.

Its effect has been to increase enormously the wealth available, while at the same time the concentration of the individual has narrowed down his work so that he now no longer specializes on making one commodity, but on making a part of a fraction of a commodity.

A wonderful internal grouping of the cells takes place; some form, as it were, a leaf which folds over and makes the intestines, others separate to form the nervous system, one group isolates and specializes itself to make the liver, and thus an organization of parts, more and more pronounced, together with a minute differentiation of each individual arrangement of the cells, is carried on.

The lawyer and the doctor are, it is true, confining themselves more and more to particular branches of their respective callings, and more and more are they becoming experts in the branch of law or medicine selected. The lawyer specializes in criminal cases or in damage suits, in commercial or constitutional law; he is a pleader or a consultant.

The plot for such a story could easily be made to include a total-abstinence pledge and family reunion at Thanksgiving, and an apparition and spiritual regeneration over a bowl of punch at Christmas. It would be interesting to know the far beginnings of holiday literature, and I commend the quest to the scientific spirit which now specializes research in every branch of history.

"Knowledge on any subject is interesting did you begin generally or did you specialize?" "I always wanted to be just and to understand things. The whole of life and existence seemed too difficult I think I began trying to find some key to that and this opened the door to general information, and so eventually, perhaps, one specializes."

That is, one cell specializes, let us say, in secretion, another in contractility, another in receiving and carrying stimuli, etc.

"They're both friends of mine, and I have an account with Cabot, Joyner & Teale, Cabot's brokerage firm. I've corresponded with MacBride; he specializes in Colts.... You're the sole owner, I take it?" "Well, no." She paused, picking her words carefully. "We may just run into a little trouble, there.

It specializes in doughnuts the Salvation Army in the field does the real old-fashioned home-made ones that taste of home to a homesick soldier boy! "I did not see this, but one of my associates did. He saw it last winter in a dismal place on the Toul sector. A file of our troops were finishing a long hike through rain and snow over roads knee-deep in half-thawed icy slush.

Rives for confirmation; she's already pointed out that all that is required to pass those tests is ordinary adult mental capacity. "My company specializes in cybernetic-control systems," he continued. "In spite of a lot of misleading colloquial jargon about 'thinking machines' and 'giant brains', a cybernetic system doesn't really think.