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And I did feel it might ease you and Dad about ... the other thing, if I went out fixed up." She drew his head to her and kissed him, then let her hands fall in her lap. "Wonderful Sonling! Indeed it would ease me and please me if coming from the true motive. Only remember, so long as you are thinking first of me, you can be sure That Other has not yet arrived."

She paused her eyes on Roy, who had lost his own puzzling sensations in the clash of the fight and its chivalrous climax. "Oh, I love it," he said. "Is that all?" "No, there is more." "Is it sad?" She shook her head at him smiling. "Yes, Roy. It is sad." He wrinkled his forehead. "Oh dear! I like it to end the nice way." "But I am not making tales, Sonling. I am telling history."

For answer she gave him a convulsive little squeeze and felt the crackle of paper under his shirt. "Something hidden there! What is it, Sonling?" she asked with laughing eyes: and suddenly shyness overwhelmed him. For the moment he had forgotten his treasure; and now he was wondering if he could show it even to her. "It is Tara I think it's rather a secret " he began. "But I may see?"

"All you English are mad," he said in the vernacular. "If she die not to-day, she will die to-morrow. And already there are too many to feed " "She will not die to-day or to-morrow," Roy retorted with Olympian assurance. "Courage, little mother," he addressed the girl "you shall have food, you and the sonling."

Then he was in her arms, gathered into her silken softness and the faint scent of sandalwood; while her lips, light as butterfly wings, caressed the bruise on his cheek. "Oh, what a bad, wicked Sonling!" she murmured, gathering him close.

To chime in with his moods, his enthusiasms, his nonsense she asked nothing better of life, when he came home. "Very clever, Sonling. But no," she lifted a finger "that won't do. You are twenty-one. Too big for the small name now. So far away up there!" "If I shot up as high as a lamp-post, my heart would still be down there at your feet." He said it lightly that was the Englishman.

But he said it that was the Rajput. And she knew not which she loved the best. Strange to love two such opposites with equal fervour. She blew him a kiss from her finger-tips. "Very well. We will not be unkind to the small name and throw him on the rubbish-heap. But now sit, please Sonling. You have been talking you and Dad? Not any decision? Is he not wishing you should work for India?"