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The old woman sprang forwards and seized it, but her clothes caught fire, and in a few minutes she was burned to ashes. So the Sodno brothers found the treasure, and they carried it, and their sister and the reindeer, to their own home, and were the richest men in all Lapland. Andras Baive

Luckily, no rod was within her reach, and the Sodno managed, after a little, to coax her back into good humour, and at length she told him that the youngest Stalo had buried his treasure under the very place where she was sitting. 'Dear mother, said Lyman, who had come in unseen, and was kneeling in front of the fire. 'Dear mother, do you know who it is you have been talking with?

'The boy does not seem to be able to part the beasts, he cried to his second brother; 'go and help him, or I shall never get to sleep. So the brother went, and in an instant was struck dead as he left the house by the sword of the eldest Sodno.

By-and-by the Sodno asked again: 'And where may my second brother's money be? 'Don't you know that either? cried the mother in surprise. 'Oh, yes; I did once. But since I fell upon my head I can remember nothing. 'It is behind the oven, answered she. And again was silence.

The young Sodno was standing ready for him, and as the Stalo passed the threshold struck him such a blow on the head that he rolled over with a crash and never stirred again. The two Sodnos did not trouble about him, but quickly stripped the younger Stalos of their clothes, in which they dressed themselves.

Of late it had been whispered from one to another that the three young Stalos were to be seen on the pastures, but the Sodno brothers did not disturb themselves, the danger seemed too far away. Unluckily, however, one day, when Lyma was left by herself in the hut, the three Stalos came down and carried her and the reindeer off to their own cottage.

The ogress said nothing. Long ago she had found out how stupid her sons were, so she just sent them out to milk the reindeer, while she returned to the other house to bury her husband's body. Now, three days' journey from the hut on the pastures two brothers Sodno dwelt in a small cottage with their sister Lyma, who tended a large herd of reindeer while they were out hunting.

The old woman started, but answered quietly: 'It is a Sodno, I suppose? 'You have guessed right, replied Lyma. The mother of the Stalos looked round for her iron cane, which she always used to kill her victims, but it was not there, for Lyma had put it in the fire. 'Where is my iron cane? asked the old woman. 'There! answered Lyma, pointing to the flames.

Then they sat still till the dawn should break and they could find out from the Stalos' mother where the treasure was hidden. With the first rays of the sun the young Sodno went upstairs and entered the old woman's room. She was already up and dressed, and sitting by the window knitting, and the young man crept in softly and crouched down on the floor, laying his head on her lap.