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Leroy did commit the forgery; but, of course, he will be able to prove where he was on the twenty-second of last month, at three o'clock." Shelton's face brightened. He wheeled round on his friend. "Adrien," he exclaimed, "tell us where you were on that day; not to satisfy me, you know that, but to get this folly over."

Resisting an impulse to discover what he really was, he answered hastily: "Of course I'm not!" The parson followed up his triumph, and, shifting the ground of the discussion from Shelton's to his own, he gravely said: "Surely you must see that your theory is founded in immorality. It is, if I may say so, extravagant, even wicked."

You're not off already?" and, laying his hand on Shelton's arm, he proposed to walk a little way with him across the fields. This was the first time they had met since the engagement; and Shelton began to nerve himself to express some sentiment, however bald, about it. He squared his shoulders, cleared his throat, and looked askance at Mr. Dennant.

There's something here past words." The curtain came down upon the act, and he looked at the lady next him. She was shrugging her shoulders at her husband, whose face was healthy and offended. "I do dislike these unhealthy women," he was saying, but catching Shelton's eye he turned square in his seat and sniffed ironically.

Shelton's dispositions as a commander could not well have been worse; his bearing as a soldier, although undaunted, imparted to his hapless troops nothing of inspiration. The obstinacy with which he held the hill after the impossibility of even partial success must have been patent to him, was universally condemned. It need scarcely be added that his loss was very severe.

It may have been some glimmer in this glance of Shelton's that brought Trimmer once more to the rescue with his compromising air. "The French," said he, "have quite a different standard from ourselves in literature, just as they have a different standard in regard to honour. All this is purely artificial." What he, meant, however, Shelton found it difficult to tell.

The two men to Shelton's left were talking. "What! You don't collect anything? How's that? Everybody collects something. I should be lost without my pictures." "No, I don't collect anything. Given it up; I was too awfully had over my Walkers." Shelton had expected a more lofty reason; he applied himself to the Madeira in his glass.

I wonder whether this light's strong enough now for me to photograph this rose." Shelton withdrew and went down-stairs. Ferrand was still at breakfast. Antonia stood at the sideboard carving beef for him, and in the window sat Thea with her Persian kitten. Both girls were following the traveller's movements with inscrutable blue eyes. A shiver ran down Shelton's spine.

A universal and contagious curiosity was abroad. To this age belong William Paynter's version of the Decameron, entitled The Palace of Pleasure, 1566, from which Shakespeare borrowed; Geoffrey Fenton's translation of Bandello's Tragical Discourses, 1567; Sir Thomas North's rendering of Plutarch's Lives, 1579; Thomas Underdowne's Heliodorus, 1587; Thomas Shelton's Don Quixote, 1612; and others too numerous to mention.

With Shelton's troops and those in the cantonments General Elphinstone had at his disposition, apart from the Shah's contingent, four infantry regiments, two batteries of artillery, three companies of sappers, a regiment of cavalry, and some irregular horse a force fully equipped and in good order.