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Well, laws! long as he's dead and gone I forgibs him for heavin' of me down to lib long o' de rats, and den sellin' ob me to de barbariums in de Stingy Isles. 'Deed does I forgibs him good too. and likewise de shamwally while I'se got my hand in at forgibness," she said. "That's right, Katie. Never let your hatred follow a man to the grave," said Claudia.

"I've heern enough this night to hang the shamwally, and send all the rest on 'em to Bottommy Bay. And I'll do it, too, if ever I live to get out'n this room alive." But at that instant the catastrophe that Katie had dreaded occurred. Katie sneezed once, twice, thrice: "Hick-ket-choo! Hick-ket-choo! Hick-ket-choo!"

'Dough I'd rather be a monkey dan a lordship, if I couldn't be no better lordship den some!" said Katie, with a vindictive nod of her head towards the viscount. "What is the creature discoorsing anent?" inquired the perplexed magistrate. "She is giving in her evidence," replied the counsel for the accused. "You dry up! Who's you? Mus' be my lordship's new shamwally making yourself so smart.

"And so de shamwally is hung at last! serbe him right; and I hopes it did him good; an' I wish it was my lordship an' de whited salt- peter along ob him!" she said, folding her arms ever her fat bosom and rolling herself from side to side with infinite satisfaction. "For shame, Katie, to triumph so over a dead man!

So, now I tell you ag'in my name is Catherine Mortimer, and like-wise it aint Gorilla, as my lordship and his shamwally used to call me. I done found out what dat means now! It means monkey! which is a 'fernally false! 'cause my fambily aint got no monkey blood in 'em.

"Well, den, I just ruther be a heathen dan a whited salt-peter, or a shamwally, or a lordship either, if I couldn't do no more credit to it dan some," said Katie, having, as usual, the last word. Claudia longed to be alone on this night; so she soon dismissed her attendants, closed up her room, put out all her lights, and lay down in darkness, solitude, and meditation.

Reckon I'll give evidence enough to fix you and my lordship out!" snapped Katie. "Now, then, tell us what you know of this case," said the clerk. "What I know ob dis case? Why, in de fus' place, I know how my lordship dere and a perty lordship he is and de oder shamwally, which I don't see here present, and dat whited saltpeter, ought ebery single one ob dem to be hung up as high as Harem.