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Stranger still was it how she could be the marital partner the mate, to speak plainly of such a one, without showing or feeling the slightest spiritual debasement. Finally, however, I caught some light. I had stepped over to ask after "Mine hussbandt," everyone else of us being busy with our own sick. Senda was letting Fontenette take her place in the sick-room, which, of course, was shut close.

She smiled heroically. I could be silent no longer. "Senda, what have you answered?" "I haf answered" her lips quivered till she gnawed them cruelly "I am sorry to take such a long time to tell you sat but I I find sat ve'y hahd to tell." She smiled and gnawed her lips again. "I haf answered

'E and the woman woman no good tell Meester Ashby they thinka 'im 'ere." The Girl felt the colour leave her cheeks, though she made a gesture for him to proceed. "Pedro not 'ere any longer," smiled the Mexican. "Me senda 'im to the devil. Serva 'im right." "An' the woman?" gasped the Girl. "She gone got away Monterey by this time," replied Castro with evident disappointment.

He never found out how well I knew. "Fontenette, I'll tell you what to do with it." "No, you don't need; I know whad thad is. An' thaz the same I want me. Only you thing thad wou'n' be hasking her too much troub'?" "No, indeed. There's nothing else you could name that she'd be so glad to do." When I told Senda I had said that, the tears stood in her eyes. "Ah, sat vass ri-ight!

Then I made all haste to my own house again and had the relief to see, as Senda came toward me from her husband's room, that he had told her nothing. "Vell?" she eagerly asked. "Well, Monsieur Fontenette is greatly improved!" "O sat iss goodt! And se Madame; she, too, is betteh? a little? eh no-o?"