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Only two living persons beside the coroner knew the truth, and Blaine felt sure that the gentle spirit of Anita Lawton would be merciful her thirst for vengeance upon her father's murderer sated by his self-inflicted death to those of his blood, who, innocent, must be dragged in the mire by the disclosure of his infamy.

The secretary and the police agent, Madame Simonneau showing the way, carried the body up to the first floor. Monsieur Josse-Arbrissel was biting his nails and looking into space. "A tragedy of jealousy," he remarked, "nothing is more common. We have here in Neuilly a steady average of self-inflicted deaths. Out of a hundred suicides thirty are caused by gambling.

Here Miss Trelawny joined in the conversation: "That would be quite right, so far as the action of the drug was concerned; but according to the second part of your surmise the wound may have been self-inflicted, and this after the drug had taken effect." "True!" said the Detective and the Doctor simultaneously.

If you really care much about any principle; and if you regard it as of essential importance; you cannot help feeling a strong impulse to intolerance of those who decidedly and actively differ from you. Here are some further vulgar errors, primary and secondary: Primary Idleness, and excessive self-indulgence; Secondary Penances, and self-inflicted tortures.

You must remember, also, that we are long-lived, and that therefore beauty both in man and woman is not so fleeting as it was in the days when we were burdened so heavily by self-inflicted diseases. So we shake off these griefs in a way which perhaps the sentimentalists of other times would think contemptible and unheroic, but which we think necessary and manlike.

While she wears this on her head, a sort of wooden bit is put into her mouth, and she lies prostrate on her face till dinner is ended; and while in this condition her food is given her, of which she eats as much as she can, which probably is none. "We visited the different cells, and were horror-struck at the self-inflicted tortures.

A feeling of something like awe crept over him as he watched her, and he found himself asking whether, after all, Phadrig's story might have been true. But, true or not, there was the fascination which, as Phadrig had told him, had lured Isaac Josephus to his self-inflicted doom. Her eyes were chained to the gem: her face was no longer that of a living woman dominated by her own will.

He compared Essex to Pisistratus, who, by pretending to be in imminent danger of assassination, and by exhibiting self-inflicted wounds, succeeded in establishing tyranny at Athens. This was too much for the prisoner to bear. It is painful to go on with this lamentable story.

In its theory that magic power may be obtained by "penitence," I do not mean here "repentance," that is by self-inflicted pain, it agrees with the Hindoo, and in fact more or less with all religions.

It is like: 'We beseech you, in His stead, be ye reconciled to God. Men need to be importuned not to destroy themselves, and he will have most success in such God-like work who, as Moses, is so sure of the fatal issues, and so oblivious of all but saving men from self-inflicted ruin, that he sues as for a boon with tears in his voice, and dignity thrown to the winds.