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And Eimes, Zaenes, and Segastrion sang again, and walked once more in their accustomed haunts, and played the game of Life and Death with fishes and frogs, but never essayed to play it any more with men, as do the gods of Pegana. Sitting above the lives of the people, and looking, doth Dorozhand see that which is to be. The god of Destiny is Dorozhand.

But when Umbool had grinned for thirty days the waters fell back into the river beds and the lords of the rivers slunk away back again to their homes: still Umbool sat and grinned. Then Eimes sought to hide himself in a great pool beneath a rock, and Zaenes crept into the middle of a wood, and Segastrion lay and panted on the sand still Umbool sat and grinned.

And Eimes is the joy of lowing herds; and Zaenes hath bowed his neck to the yoke of man, and carries the timber from the forest far up below the mountain; and Segastrion sings old songs to shepherd boys, singing of his childhood in a lone ravine and of how he once sprang down the mountain sides and far away into the plain to see the world, and of how one day at last he will find the sea.

And whenever Eimes, Zaenes, and Segastrion stretched out their hands over their rivers they saw before their faces the grinning of Umbool; and because the grinning was like death in a hot and hideous land therefore they turned away and spread their hands no more over their rivers, and the waters sank and sank.

And the wolf and the fox and the owl, and the great beasts and the small, lift up their voices to acclaim Wohoon. And there arise the sounds of voices and the stirring of leaves. There be three broad rivers of the plain, born before memory or fable, whose mothers are three grey peaks and whose father was the storm. There names be Eimes, Zaenes, and Segastrion.

And all the plain was flooded to the hills. And Eimes, Zaenes, and Segastrion sat upon the mountains, and spread their hands over their rivers that rebelled by their command. But the prayer of men going upward found Pegana, and cried in the ear of the gods: "There be three home gods who slay us for their pleasure, and say that they be mightier than Pegana's gods, and play Their game with men."

Then were all the gods of Pegana very wroth; but They could not whelm the lords of the three rivers, because being home gods, though small, they were immortal. And still the home gods spread their hands across their rivers, with their fingers wide apart, and the waters rose and rose, and the voice of their torrent grew louder, crying: "Are we not Eimes, Zaenes, and Segastrion?"

Go, thou and grin before the faces of Eimes, Zaenes, and Segastrion till they see whether it be wise to rebel against the gods of Pegana." And Umbool answered: "I am the beast of Mung." And Umbool came and crouched upon a hill upon the other side of the waters and grinned across them at the rebellious home gods.

And Eimes grew lean, and was forgotten, so that the men of the plain would say: "Here once was Eimes"; and Zaenes scarce had strength to lead his river to the sea; and as Segastrion lay and panted a man stepped over his stream, and Segastrion said: "It is the foot of a man that has passed across my neck, and I have sought to be greater than the gods of Pegana."

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