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"I never heard such a voice!" This was what strangers often said, and Flyaway never doubted the sweetness was caused by eating so much candy; but just now she had had none for two days. "What makes you shut your eyes up, right in the street, girl? Is the seeingness all gone out of 'em?" "Yes, you darling. I haven't had any seeingness in my eyes for a year." "You didn't?

A girl name o' Maria, tookened me home. The seeingness is all gone out of her eyes, so she can't see." "How long has your husband been sick?" asked Mrs. Allen of the woman, while she was taking lunch in the dining-room. "Did you tell me he knew Colonel Allen?" Mrs. Brooks dropped her knife and fork; but her lips trembled so she could not speak.

A law supposes a law-giver, and implies an actuator and executor, and consequently rewards and punishments publicly announced, and distinctly assigned to the deeds enjoined or forbidden; and correlatively in the subjects of the law, there are supposed, first, assurance of the being, the power, the veracity and seeingness of the law-giver, in whom I here comprise the legislative, judicial and executive functions; and secondly, self-interest, desire, hope and fear.

"I don't see why the tears don't come into my eyes as easy as they do into Prudy's," thought she, trying to squeeze out a salt drop; "Mrs. Brooks'll think I don't care a speck; but I do care." As for wee Fly, she took Maria's blindness to heart about as much as she did the murder of the Hebrew children off in Judea. "Pitiful 'bout her seeingness; but I wished I had such a beauful dog!"