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She had, moreover, too good a mind and too sound a judgment to complain of their natures; always kind, amiable, and affectionate towards them, she nevertheless told them none of her secrets. Nothing forms a character so much as the practice of constant concealment in the bosom of a family. After she attained her majority Laurence allowed Monsieur d'Hauteserre to manage her affairs as in the past.

Why are not you our sole ambition? What resentment may we not justly feel that we have to make our cries of indignation heard above our bursts of joy, our formidable secrets in the asylum of love, and our oaths of war and death amid the intoxication of and of life!" "Curses on him who saddens the youth of a people!

Newman's style tells any one who knows what writing is of a very keen and exact knowledge of the subtle and refined secrets of language.

Is it the subtle workings of this desire for the mastery over mechanical agencies, this prying into Nature's secrets, that leads us out into the forest primeval and gives zest to mountain climbing? Fortune is said to favor the brave.

"Do you confess to having told Charles, King of England, the secrets of our kingdom and this place?" said the duke, sternly rapping down the petition with a roll of parchment. The earl grew, if possible, a more ghastly white. "I do I must! but oh! for the love of " "Never mind love," cut in the inexorable duke, "it is a subject that has nothing whatever to do with the present case.

"If we did they wouldn't be secrets." Never had there been such a funeral in the town as that of Christopher Snider. The schools were closed that the scholars might march in procession.

"But, signor, do you think it is right or wise to imperil the future and the reputation of a young man like Dino without friends, without home, without a name, entirely dependent upon us and our provision for him by making him the depository of secrets which he keeps against his conscience and against the rule of the Order in which he lives?

He is indeed none other than the True One, Whom God hath entrusted with this Mission from the midst of the Burning Bush. O Qurratu’l-‘Ayn! Unravel what Thou pleasest from the secrets of the All-Glorious, for the ocean is surging high at the behest of the incomparable Lord. “Are ye wickedly scheming, according to your selfish ...”

'So, so! said Jonas, looking down upon her, as he fetched his breath. 'These are your friends, are they, when I am away? You plot and tamper with this sort of people, do you? 'No, indeed! I have no knowledge of these secrets, and no clue to their meaning. I have never seen him since I left home but once but twice before to-day. 'Oh! sneered Jonas, catching at this correction.

Others again, who had been brought up in the practice of the ablutions which have to be performed by those who are initiated into the deeper secrets of the heathen mysteries, regarded baptism as an act of purification, a mystical process of happy augury, or at the best a figurative purification of the soul, and crowded to receive it.