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The boy was wise enough to take advice from his new friends how best to write the screed. Moreover, he learned that there was also, on the island, a very unusual and most interesting colony of "poor whites," the descendants of English convicts who had been brought to the island in the seventeenth century. These were not criminals, but political prisoners who had fought in Monmouth's Rebellion.

The screed was rather wearisome to Colin, but when he tried to interrupt, the old keeper seemed so hurt and so confused that the boy let him go on to the end.

Does it mean that he killed a man named Hospital at Chattanooga, and badly wounded E. C. Bower in the socks? That don't seem sense. I'll try it again." The next time he succeeded in making it read: "Josiah Nott killed. Hospital at Chattanooga. Badly wounded E. C. Bower's ox." "There, that's best I can do," he said, surveying the screed. "It'll have to go that way, and let the Deacon study it out.

The latter read, inwardly digested for a moment, and smiled. "Keep your hair on," ran Darrow's screed. "This will pass in a few minutes, and it won't hurt you, anyway. Don't look like all these other dubs." He stood there companionably by the patrolman. They looked about them. All at once, with this touch of normal, unafraid, human companionship, the weird horror of the situation fell away.

'Do you remember that I told you I was going with my show to Castle Barfield? 'No, said Paul. 'Do you remember writing your father's address in my pocket-book, and telling me that he would do my printing for nothing if I told him I was a friend of yours? 'No, said Paul again. 'I didn't know I was so bad as that. 'Do you remember a long screed you gave me about manly purity?

The anonymous letter was a vile screed because it was anonymous and also because it threatened, in innuendo, to burn out a homestead held by one man and a boy. Annersley showed the letter to Pete and helped him spell it out. Then he explained gravely his own status as a homesteader, the law which allowed him to fence the water, and the labor which had made the land his.

What signified his bringing a woman here to snotter and snivel, and bather their Lordships? He should hae ceeted me, sir, and I should hae gien them sic a screed o' testimony, they shauldna hae touched a hair o' her head." "Hadna ye better get up and tryt yet?" said the Laird. "I'll mak a sign to Novit."

That was the problem: what should he say to her who would presently be receiving his unfortunate screed with some inflammatory introduction from Dick and would he knew her! scarcely have finished it before she took steps toward flooding him with epistolary advice and comment.

It was the same with the letters, too, which for a month or so past, she had condescended to write him, after treating him most uncivilly in the autumn, and never answering a long screed 'and a jolly good one! which he had written her from Paris in November.

"Two years ago Stephen Lynch sent me a fair screed in all the glory of his chevron and three shamrocks and wolf crest, saying that he was coming in one of his ships to marry me." "And did he ever come?" smiled Brian. "Yes; but I took his ship from him and sent him home again by road, tied to a horse," she rippled out merrily. "Poor Stephen!