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"Sawed out from a standard oak whiskey barrel at Old Port Buford in '58, according to my own ideas and lines, and sound as a dollar to-day, sir, and it's only been covered three times in all. Look at it!" And here, with a flourish, he would whip off the seat. "Combination chair and butler's pantry, sir.

The main boom, by the first rasp that took place after I came on deck, was broken short off, and nearly twelve feet of it hove right in over the taffril; the vessels then closed, and the next rub ground off the ship's mizzen channel as clean as if it had been sawed away.

You don't need to import an American from outside in order to account for American doings." "Ames, the butler " "What about him? Is he reliable?" "Ten years with Sir Charles Chandos as solid as a rock. He has been with Douglas ever since he took the Manor House five years ago. He has never seen a gun of this sort in the house." "The gun was made to conceal. That's why the barrels were sawed.

There was a kitchen where Toy reigned, an arbitrary monarch, and a long bunk-house built of lumber sawed by an old-fashioned water-wheel which itself had been laboriously whip-sawed from heavy logs.

Now turn to and clear a space down to the ice, while the carpenter and I saw out some blocks of snow." His companions followed Andrew's directions; and while Foubister sawed out the blocks, which were about three feet long, and half as wide, he placed them in a circle on the space which had been cleared.

"Yes, Madame, I sawed him." "You sawed 'im? Oo it was?" "'Twas only one man wad is a foolizh. De people say he's crezzie. Mais, he don' goin' to meg you no 'arm." "But I was scare' fo' my lill' girl." "Noboddie don' goin' trouble you' lill' gal, Madame Carraze." Madame Delphine looked up into the speaker's strangely kind and patient eyes, and drew sweet re-assurance from them.

"You shall not pass!" he cried; "you shall not have her! She is mine, and mine alone! I am Prinzivalle degli Ordelaffi." I felt his ice-cold clutch, but with my other arm I laid about me wildly with the hatchet which I carried beneath my cloak. The hatchet struck the wall and rang upon the stone. He had vanished. I hurried on. I did it. I cut open the bronze; I sawed it into a wider gash.

Lieutenant Davis, who had come with us from Andersonville, was also sitting on a horse inside the prison, and he called out in his usual harsh, disagreeable voice: "That's all right, Cunnel; the man's done just as I awdahed him to." I found that lying around inside were a number of bits of plank each about five feet long, which had been sawed off by the carpenters engaged in building the prison.

The piles are sawed off below the surface of the water and a platform built upon them, which in turn serves as the foundation for the masonry. The great Eads Bridge, which was built across the Mississippi at St.

The four went down as soon as Ready had sawed the ends of the spars which had been cut off, into three rollers, to fix under the keel; with the help afforded by them, the boat was soon hauled up high into the brushwood, where it was considered by Ready to be perfectly safe.