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"Well, then," says Luigi, "I must find courage to tell you to-night, sarta, that I love you, and I want you to be my wife!" I sat still a moment, quite thunder-struck, and then I jumped up and ran out of the room. "I can say not a word," I said, as I passed him, "You know you ought to have spoken to La Mamma first."

He gave those well-known street-ballads which one hears everywhere in Italy, especially in Naples: "Addio mia bella Napoli," "Funiculi Funicula," "L'altro ieri a Piedigrotta," "Margherita di Parete era sarta delle signore," and also more serious songs, such as the languishing "Ogni sera di sotto all' mio balcone sento cantar una canzon d' amore."

Giving up what I highly prized, aware that male sarta Gratia nequicquam coit, et rescinditur.

It was the one thing you would have expected to have the opposite effect, the thing indeed that had forced his confidence, the organ and the voice once more beneath our very windows: "Margarita de Parete, era a' sarta d' e' signore; se pugneva sempe e ddete pe penzare a Salvatore! "Mar ga ri, e perzo e Salvatore! Mar ga ri, Ma l'ommo e cacciatore! Mar ga ri, Nun ce aje corpa tu!

Estoy dispuesto a convenir en que era más asediada, más agasajada quizás, pero no por eso más respetada. ¿Llamais respeto y consideración a aquéllas vanas fórmulas de etiqueta que hacían doblar el espinazo del hombre a la vista de una mujer y le hacían decir cuatro frases vulgares de cumplimiento, para hinchar la vanidad o marear la cabeza de una mujer crédula y fatua? ¿Llamais respeto a ese hábito singular de algunos hombres de calificar siempre de divinos los ojos de la mujer que tiene delante, de comparar sus labios a lindos pétalos de rosa, sus dientes a sarta de diminutas perlas, su cintura a cimbreante tallo de azucena y otras tantas necedades de ese jaez?