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Next morning, on my way to the hut I met General Miller. "Poor fellow!" he said, when I told him of Santiago's state. "I will come with you. I remember him well." Just as we were moving on, we met General Sucre accompanied by a Spanish officer, who on seeing Miller ran forward and embraced him. "I know you!" he cried. "I am Valdés. You and I must be friends."

But his rule would be incomplete and his efforts end in failure if the miserable Russians and natives in the employ of the Company were not vitalized by proper food and cheered with the hope of its permanence. In Santiago's story of the Russian visitor's achievements and status there was the common mingling of truth and fiction the exalted never fail to inspire.

Some months later Carranza was recognized by the United States, and at this writing is establishing his government, which promises to be a continuation of the one established by Madero. Thus it will be seen that Santiago's work for his country was productive of good, as are all efforts to bring liberty to the people and to free them from the rule of a few.

This would make the floor over his head on an exact level with the floor of Santiago's house. "It's just as I expected," he muttered. "If I can get through this floor, I shall find myself in Don Esteban's residence somewhere. But just where? That's the question." He pushed upon the stone above his head, but it refused to move. Then he held up his torch and examined the ceiling carefully.

Of Santiago's information concerning my father I said nothing, though I longed greatly to do so. "I think General Barejo wished you well," she exclaimed after a pause. "He is not of our way of thinking, but he has a kind heart, and he was a true friend to me before these troubles came upon us." "Was he ever friendly with father?" I asked.

The warden of fierce Reduan With cruelty more deep That that of a hidalgo, Has locked this prison keep; And on this frontier set me, To pine without repose, To watch, from dawn to sunset, Over his Christian foes. Here like a watch-tower am I set For Santiago's lord, And for a royal mistress Who breaks her plighted word.