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To illustrate: A particle of tobacco dust no sooner comes into contact with the lining membrane of the nose, than violent sneezing is produced. This is the effort of the besieged nerves and blood vessels to protect themselves. A bit of tobacco taken into the mouth causes salivation because the salivary glands recognize the enemy and yield an increased flow of their precious fluid to wash him away.

"Those creatures," he continued, "catch their prey by this highly active poison secreted by the so-called salivary glands. Even a little bit will kill a crab easily." I was following him now with intense interest, thinking of the astuteness of a mind capable of thinking of such a poison.

It takes ten, twelve or more days from the time the parasites are taken into the stomach of the mosquito before they can go through their transformations and reach the salivary gland, the time depending on the temperature.

Perhaps there is nothing in which we slight the demands of Nature more than in what and how we eat. Chewing stimulates the salivary glands to give out secretions to aid in disposing of what we eat. We swallow half-chewed food, thus throwing undue labor on the stomach. It is impossible for the work of disgestion to be carried on in the stomach at a temperature of less than one hundred degrees.

It is possible that the drooling which so many stupor cases show is not merely the result of the failure of the swallowing reflex, but represents as well a compensation for anhydrosis by excessive salivary secretion. Another symptom suggestive of involuntary nervous system or endocrine disorder is the highly frequent suppression of the menstrual function.

The experiment may be repeated with boys only and then with girls, comparing their average reaction time. *Reflex Action of the Salivary Glands.*—Place a small pinch of salt upon the tongue and note the flow of saliva into the mouth. Try other substances, as starch, bits of wood, and sugar. What appears to be the natural stimulus for these glands? Compare with reflex actions of the muscles.

Besides, the action of chewing and the presence of nutrient food constitute a healthful stimulus to the salivary glands, situated in the mouth. By this means, also, the food not only becomes well masticated, but has blended with it a proper amount of saliva, upon both of which conditions the healthy action of the stomach depends.

The accurate control of normal intra-ocular pressure, by mutual adjustment of inflow and outflow of fluid, is scarcely conceivable without some highly specialized, extremely sensitive nerve mechanism to preside over it. This is suggested by analogy with the regulation of secretion in the lacrimal, salivary, or peptic glands, or the maintenance of blood pressure in the heart and arteries.

A similar precaution is taken with the passage; and therefore the whole is a solid piece of work capable of remaining in excellent condition for years. Moreover, thanks to the wall hardened by the salivary fluid, the structure can be removed from its matrix by chipping it carefully away.

Owing to some unknown cause these little organisms are gathered together in the large vacuolated cells of the salivary glands of the mosquito, and when the mosquito bites a man or any other animal they pour down through the ducts with the secretion and are thus again introduced in the circulation.