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Instantly Baree showed that he was alive. He sprang back from under the Willow's hand with a sudden snarl and faced McTaggart. The hair of his spine stood up like a brush; his fangs gleamed menacingly, and his eyes burned like living coals. "There is a devil in him," said McTaggart. "He is wild born of the wolf. You must be careful or he will take off a hand, kit sakahet."

He drew forth his knife and began whetting it on a stone which he carried in his pocket. In these minutes Baree might have crawled out from under his rock and escaped down the canyon; for a space he was forgotten. Then Nepeese thought of him, and in that same strange, wondering voice she spoke again the word "Baree." Pierrot, who was kneeling, looked up at her. "Oui, Sakahet.

But now in an instant he terrified her. Before she could speak what she had planned to say, he was at her side, and had taken her face between his two great hands, his coarse fingers twining in the silken strands of her thick braids where they fell over her shoulders at the neck. "Ka sakahet!" he cried passionately. "Pierrot said you would have an answer for me. But I need no answer now.

There was a third shot the last. Wakayoo sank down in his tracks. His big head dropped between his forepaws. A racking cough or two came to Baree's ears. And then there was silence. It was slaughter but business. A minute later, standing over Wakayoo, Pierrot said to Nepeese: "Mon dieu, but it is a fine skin, Sakahet! It is worth twenty dollars over at Lac Bain!"