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"Yes?" The professor leaned forward, looking at me gravely. "That is another coincidence. But you shall speak first. Commence then." "I feel that you know me at least well enough," I began rather hesitatingly, "to be sure that I would not, for the world, make any effort to intrude in your affairs, or Mr. Saffren's, and that I would not force your confidence in the remotest "

As he went up the steps, the courtyard reverberating again to his laughter, his arm resting on Saffren's shoulders, but not so heavily as usual. The door of their salon closed upon them, and for a while Keredec's voice could be heard booming cheerfully; it ended in another burst of laughter. A moment later Saffren opened the door and called to me.

Saffren's friend," I added, rising with the others upon Miss Ward's example, "I'm sure if he could come to know of your interest, he would much rather play Hamlet for you than let you find him disappointing." "If he could come to know of my interest!" she echoed, glancing down at herself with mock demureness. "Don't you think he could come to know something more of me than that?"

He came hobbling to table, leaning upon Saffren's shoulder, and made no reference to his singular improvement of the night before nor did I. His rheumatism was his own; he might do what he pleased with it! There was no reason why he should confide the cause of its vagaries to me.

"Ah!" he cried, "I shouldn't have said it?" I interposed to reassure him, exclaiming that it were a godsend indeed, did all our critics merely speak the plain truth as they see it for themselves. The professor would not have it so, and cut me off. "No, no, no, my dear sir!" he shouted. "You speak with kindness, but you put some wrong ideas in his head!" Saffren's look of trouble deepened.

Saffren's cheeks and temples were flushed as they had been when I saw him returning that afternoon; and his eyes were wide, fixed upon Keredec in a stare of utter amazement. "Yes, that is true," he said slowly. "How did you know?"