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Updated: August 8, 2024

You've got your work," he waved his arm at the huge cast under the shadow of which they were sitting, "and all this. You can put all your human longings into it. I'm a poor rudderless creature without any hope or direction." He buried his face in his hands.

The Countess smiled queerly and rose to her feet. "It's improper for a married woman to joke about such things, even a woman married to a no-good count, isn't it? And it's foolish, too. Well, I'm going to do something even more foolish I'm going to give you some advice. Cut out that young man. He hasn't found himself yet; he's running wild. He's light in ballast and he's rudderless.

Ives is 'a rudderless hulk. 'It's a pagoda, says Stevenson in a letter dated September, 1894, 'and you can just feel or I can feel that it might have been a pleasant story if it had only been blessed at baptism. He had to rewrite portions of it in consequence of having received what Dr. Johnson would have called 'a large accession of new ideas. The ideas were historical.

Pelham?" continued the countess, whose thoughts wandered from subject to subject in the most rudderless manner. "No, Lady Babbleton, I was unfortunately at a less distinguished place." "What was that?" "Paris!" "Oh, indeed! I've never been abroad; I don't think persons of a certain rank should leave England; they should stay at home and encourage their own manufactories."

Society, you know, is a great force in theatrical matters; and if Silviane has society with her, her triumph is certain." Gerard promised, and then chatted for a moment with his uncle, General de Bozonnet, who was quite enlivened by that throng of women, among whom he had been carried hither and thither like an old rudderless ship.

His original feeling of doubt and dissatisfaction with himself had never wholly quieted. It did not ease him any to know that he had left Jennie comfortably fixed, for it was always so plain to him that money was not the point at issue with her. Affection was what she craved. Without it she was like a rudderless boat on an endless sea, and he knew it.

Nat was very fond of Mrs. Bhaer, but found something even more attractive in the good professor, who took fatherly care of the shy feeble boy, who had barely escaped with his life from the rough sea on which his little boat had been tossing rudderless for twelve years.

In those days the Commodore was making some of those vast combinations of his consolidations of warring odds and ends of railroads into harmonious systems, and concentrations of floating and rudderless commerce in effective centers and among other things his farseeing eye had detected the convergence of that huge tobacco-commerce, already spoken of, toward Memphis, and he had resolved to set his grasp upon it and make it his own.

The people of the world are to-day at sea, with no definite port ahead, with no guiding hand upon the helm of their ship. In the chaos of this rudderless age state and church are making desperate efforts to palliate the evils of nonreligion and its consequence, non-morality.

"Is there a penalty? What is that, Prince Tabnit?" The voice of the prince was never more mellow. "Do not be alarmed, I beg," he hastened his reassurance. "Upon the return of Mr. St. George, he and his friend will simply be set adrift in a rudderless airship, an offering to the great idea of space." Mrs.

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