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"They may be the best calculators in the world for what I care," answered the first mate, roughly; "but I will back Jonas Scoones to take a ship round the world with any man alive, so do not trouble yourself on that point, Captain Aggett. You and I have never had a tiff while we have sailed together, and I do not want to have one now, so I'll say no more about the matter."

'But an' thou think I used the man roughly, thou shouldst have heard my father speak to him his mind of the king his master. 'Hath the king then shown himself unkingly, madam? said Dorothy aghast. Whereupon lady Glamorgan told her all she knew, and all she could remember of what she had heard the marquis say to Boteler.

"Aha, young Bold!" says Cyrus, clutching me roughly by the arm, "so you thought to give us the slip, did you?" I could not deny it, and said nothing. "Hark 'ee, young Bold," Cyrus went on, "you're to bring us tomorrow morning a good dozen of old Ellery's apples, d'you hear?" "A good dozen, young Bold," says Cludde, with the precision of an echo.

Any peevish clinging should be quite roughly rebuffed. From the very first day, throw a child back on its own resources even a little cruelly sometimes. But don't neglect it, don't have a negative attitude to it.

I humoured the entrance a little, but once within over the nut, I plunged recklessly forward, somewhat too roughly, for it made him wince, and he would have escaped from me if he had not been doubly imprisoned.

"No, mother," said Hannah quietly, "thou and I shall go. I will tell father we are accompanying him." She left the room, while the Rebbitzin fell weeping and terrified into a chair, and Esther vainly endeavored to soothe her. The Reb was changing his coat when Hannah knocked at the door and called "Father." "Speak not to me, Hannah," answered the Reb, roughly. "It is useless."

On seeing this the squadron of Thrasybulus discontinued their lateral movement and, facing about, attacked and routed the ships opposed to them, and next fell roughly upon the scattered vessels of the victorious Peloponnesian division, and put most of them to flight without a blow.

The savage, however, did not follow, and Dick, as the lad rushed into his arms, shook him rather roughly, and said: "Keep still! Why do you make such a thunderin' noise?" The lad speedily controlled himself, and then the scout placed his revolver in his hand, and said: "Stand right here, and the minute a redskin shows himself, crack him over. Can you do it?" "Haven't I proved it?"

Instinctively he rushed forward out of the shadow and, seizing Mark by the arm as he sprang upon the parapet, dragged him roughly back. 'You coward! he cried, 'you fool! This is the way you keep your appointment, is it? You can do that afterwards if you like just now you will come with me.

He ceased, and stood as if awaiting a reply, but Jack made no answer. He meant to give his enemies no idea of the point where he had stationed himself. Again the half-caste's voice rang out. "I will give you one minute again to come out," he called, "and then, if you do not appear, I shall send in those who will fetch you out more roughly than you will like."