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On a high roof above their apartment stood our Valcour ladies. "No uze to hope," cooed the grandmother to Flora, whose gaze clung to the tree-veiled top of Callender House. "It riffuse' to burn. 'Tis not a so inflammab' like that rope and tar." The rope and tar meant their own burnt ship.

But when a moment later the proprietor of this roadside ranch, this artificial oasis in a land of desolation, strolled into the big bare room where half a dozen troopers were dozing or gambling, it was with an air of confidential joviality that he whispered to the corporal in charge, "Our fren', the major, he riffuse me sell you aguardiente, mescal; but wait to-night."

'It is zhenius, exclaim Madame Pelchasse at this dance; and always, and always, tou-jours, she tell of the zhenius of this jeune fille who has come live with her. Thass all. The proprietaire of the Odeon, he fin' it hout. He insist, this jeune fille shall dance. She riffuse. He insist, he offer much money. At las', she say she dance if she have always the masque.

"This is my assistant, Mr. Orde," said Welton. "How are the sheep coming on? Mr. Leejune," he told Bob, "rents the grazing in our timber." "Et is not coming," stated Lejeune with a studied calm. "Plant he riffuse permit to cross." "Permit to what?" asked Welton. "To cross hees fores', gov'ment fores'. I can' get in here widout cross gov'ment land. I got to get permit from Plant. Plant he riffuse."

Kirk replied, dryly, looking the Spaniard over with, cold blue eyes. "No! I think you've gone about far enough." "You riffuse?" exclaimed Ramon, triumphantly. "Look here!" said Kirk, "I've had enough of this." He advanced threateningly, and the Spaniard nervously gave way. "I don't fight duels; it's against the law.

"The beast! How dare he bring me here me!" Petersburg! I shall not survive this!" "Perfide!" cried Peruchini, in assent. "Perfide! R-r-rascal! Cochon! Pig unspikkab'!" "But, madame," he resumed, with gestures and intonations suitable for the scene. "Behole! It is I who have lofe you so long. To lofe ah, it is so divine! How can you riffuse?" Madame Donatelli withdrew with proper operatic dignity.