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I'm a respictable widdy lady what keeps to home and minds my own washin', and they can't no man nor woman, nuther, get a chance to sass me through any mash-ine. No, sir! I know that young Early. He's got a scheme to see all thet's a-goin' on amongst us day and night, and I won't have it. Tain't decent, and they ain't no law on his side.

"Say no more," says Terence, "that settles the business," says he; "an' oh! blur and ages is it not a quare thing," says he, "for a dacent respictable man," says he, "to be walkin' about the counthry in the shape iv an ould gandher," says he; "and oh, murdher, murdher! is not it often I plucked him," says he, "an' tundher and ouns might not I have ate him," says he; and wid that he fell into a could parspiration, savin' your prisince, an was on the pint iv faintin' wid the bare notions iv it.

"And so we can," said the widow; "betther bail than e'er a Lynch or Daly not but what the Dalys is respictable betther bail, any way, than e'er a Lynch in Galway could show, either for sessions or 'sizes, by night or by day, winter or summer." "Ah, mother! you don't understhand: he's maning that we're to be tried in the dock, for staling Anty's money." "Faix, but that'd be a good joke!

How it will scare the Emperor of Rooshia, won't it?" and he roared so loud he nearly choked. That just shows how little the Yankees know and how little the English care about us. "If we want to be indepindent and respictable," sais an Hibernian magnate, "we must repale the Union."

"I tell you I'll do no such thing, Master Thady; but root and branch I'll have you out of that, and that right soon; a pack of beggars like you! What right have you to be keeping a respectable man out of his money?" "Respictable indeed! very respictable! Look at the house, Mr. Keegan, for which you want to take the whole property, tumbling down already; and you call that respictable!

"So it saams; but, little dread need we have of disturbance if they always kaap at such a respictable distance as that. Whisht, now! but don't ye saa those same bushes moving? There's some one passing through them! Mebbe it's a shadow, mebbe it's the divil himself. If so, here goes after the imp!"

"Troth, sur, ye wouldn't have said that if you'd seen it whin we first came to it. Of all the dirty places I iver saw! I belave an Irish pig would have scunnered at it, an' held his nose till he got out. It's very well for England, but we was used to cleaner places in the owld country. Hows'iver we've got it made respictable now, and we're not hard to plaze." This was a crushing reply.

Do you mind that shtick big enough to sarve as a respictable shillalah at Donnybrook Fair? Well, my laddy, that has done duty as a lantern in this very place." "As a torch, you mean?" "Precisely; just heft it." As he tossed it into Fred's hand, the latter was astonished to note its weight. "What's the cause of that?" he inquired. "It's a piece of pine, and its chuck full of pitch.