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"Shure, I'm a gintleman of indepindent fortune." "You look like it," said Godfrey, disdainfully. "Where do you keep it?" "Here!" said the Irish boy, tapping a bundle which he carried over his shoulder, wrapped in a red cotton handkerchief, with a stick thrust through beneath the knot. "What's your name?" "Andy Burke. What's yours?"

"Why, you burning beauty, aren't we takin' ten gallons, an' will you begrudge us a second bottle?" "Teddy," said the schoolmaster, "I drink propitiation to you as a profissional gintle-man! No man uses more indepindent language than you do. You are under no earthly obligation to Messrs. Syntax and Prosody.

Faix, thin, I'm teetotally indepindent of them this minute, and mane to continue so, glory be to God. Oh, I'm not afeard to tell the thruth agin ere a Kelly in Galway or Roscommon and, av' that was all, I don't see why I need have come here this day.

How it will scare the Emperor of Rooshia, won't it?" and he roared so loud he nearly choked. That just shows how little the Yankees know and how little the English care about us. "If we want to be indepindent and respictable," sais an Hibernian magnate, "we must repale the Union."

"I can't jes' describe it," said the man, "but if you'll give me a lift in your boat I'll p'int it out to you when we come to it." "How did you come down here?" demanded George. "The same as any gintleman might come. I thought of comin' in me yacht, but I finally decided I'd take me own car and in that way I would be indepindent of the whole world.

Barry looked considerably puzzled, and turned to the attorney for assistance. "He manes," continued Daly, "that he and the Kellys are good friends, and it wouldn't be any convenience to him just to say anything that wouldn't be pleasing to them, unless we could make him independent of them: isn't that about the long and the short of it, Mr Moylan?" "Indepindent of the Kellys, is it, Mr Daly?