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I remimber Jimmy Baxter in Texas " "Hang Jimmy Baxter!" Ezra cried impatiently. "That's been done already," observed the major calmly. "Lynched for horse-stealing in '66. However, go on, and I'll promise not to stop you until you have finished." Thus encouraged, Ezra proceeded to unfold the plan upon which the fortunes of the House of Girdlestone depended.

Oi'm goin' across the say, says the Grand Old Man, Oi'll be back some other day, says the Grand Old Man; When Oireland gets fair play We'll make Balfour rue the day, Remimber what I say, says the Grand Old Man.

Ah, Jim! whin ye git up in the marnin', a falin' shtewed, an' niver a bit o' breakfast in ye, an' go out in the djew barefut, as ye was borrn, lavin' yer coat kapin' company wid yer ugly owld hat, waitin' for yer pork and pertaties, an' see yer pig wid his two paws an' his dirty nose rachin' oover the pin, an sayin' 'good-marnin' to ye, an' squalin' away wid his big v'ice for his porridge, ye'll remimber what I say.

"Kathleen, asthore," he replied, in those terms of endearment which flow so tenderly through the language of the people; "sure whin I remimber your fair young face your yellow hair, and the light that was in your eyes, acushla machree but that's gone long ago och, don't ax me to stop.

M'Kenna, who was now recovered, "maybe, afther all, it was only an accident: sure we often hard of sich things. Don't you remimber Squire Elliott's son, that shot himself by accident, out fowlin'? Frank, can you clear yourself before us?" "Ah, Alley! Alley!" exclaimed the father, wiping away his tears, "don't you remimber his oath, last night?"

The last I seed, if I remimber rightly, wos near the head-waters o' the Yellowstone River, it wos jest where I shot a grizzly bar." "Was that the bar that gave you the wipe on the cheek?" asked Varley, forgetting the flower in his interest about the bear. "It wos.

"That luck may flow on me, but I'm in airnest, Miss Julia but no matther for that, don't you let you spirits down, think of our great family; and remimber that them that was wanst great may be great agin.

Look you, avic, have ye seen a brig or a brig's crew anywhere betune this and the north pole? try, now, an' remimber."

Well, throth, it's no wonder that Ireland's full of people; for I believe they do nothing but coort from the time they're the hoith of my leg. I dunno is it true, as I hear Captain Sloethern's steward say, that the Englishwomen are so fond of Irishmen?" "To be sure it is," said Shane Fadh; "don't I remimber myself, when Mr.

I wouldn't be knowin' what to do half the time if it wasn't for sleepin' good of nights. And, by the same token, if any of them high-steppin' clerks comes around with a cigar and a-wantin' you to go here and yon of nights, jist remimber that your wits is your stock in trade, and Mr. Farnham's not wantin' dull wans about him, nayther."