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"Dear papa," said she, raising herself, and withdrawing gently and modestly from Reilly's support, "I was unprepared for the account of this dreadful affair. Excuse me, sir; surely you will admit that a murderous attack on dear papa's life could not be listened to by his only child with indifference. But do let me know how it happened, papa."

Hastings then got up, and taking Reilly's hand, said: "Yes, Reilly, you must escape disguise yourself take all shapes since you will not leave the country; but there is one fact I wish to impress upon you: meddle not with injure not Sir Robert Whitecraft. Leave him to me." "Go out by the back way," said Mr.

Now it so happened that on that very evening, before the premises had been set on fire, Mary Mahon, by O'Donnel's order, had entered the house, and under, as it were, the protection of the military, gathered up as much of Reilly's clothes and linen as she could conveniently carry to her cottage, which was in the immediate vicinity of Whitecraft's residence it being the interest of this hypocritical voluptuary to have the corrupt wretch near him.

Reilly's countenance fell, for he knew his Fearful position; but that which weighed heaviest upon his heart was a consciousness of the misinterpretations which the world might put upon the motives of his conduct in this elopement, imputing it to selfishness and a mercenary spirit. When about to be searched, he said: "You need not; I will not submit to the indignity of such an examination.

After approaching Reilly's house very cautiously, and with much circumspection not an outhouse, or other place of concealment, having been left unexamined they were about to enter, when Reilly, thinking that no precaution on such an occasion ought to be neglected, said: "Fergus, we are so far safe; but, under all circumstances, I think it right and prudent that you should keep watch outside.

When forced to do so, they were swept away with the enemy on their very heels and as they rushed in over the last line at the breastworks on the Columbia pike the eager boys in gray rushed over with them, swept away portions of Reilly's and Strickland's troops, and bayoneted those that remained. It was then that Schofield's heart sank as he looked down from the guns of the fort.

In Schofield's extension on the 5th, General Reilly's brigade had struck an outwork, which he promptly attacked, but, as usual, got entangled in the trees and bushes which had been felled, and lost about five hundred men, in killed and wounded; but, as above reported, this outwork was found abandoned the next day, and we could see from it that the rebels were extending their lines, parallel with the railroad, about as fast as we could add to our line of investment.

Reilly's blood, somehow, is up; and there they are looking at each other, like a pair o' game cocks, with their necks stretched out in a cockpit when I was a boy I used to go to see them ready to dash upon one another." "Are you not now suffering for your religion?" asked the prelate. "No," replied Reilly, "it is not for the sake of my religion that I have suffered any thing.

When you took away Mary Traynor, and nearly kilt her brother, the young priest you know they were Reilly's tenants I needn't tell you what happened: in four hours' time he had the country up, followed you and your party I wasn't with you then, but you know it's truth I'm spakin' and when he had five to one against you, didn't he make them stand aside until he and you should decide it between you?

He recovered himself, however, for indeed he was yet scarcely sober after the evening's indulgence, and the two parties returned to his house, where, after having two or three glasses of Burgundy to make his hand steady, he prepared himself to take the sheriff's informations and sign unfortunate Reilly's committal to Sligo jail.