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But there came a time at last when, returning from a long ramble through the city, Really-Is and Seemsto-Be were met at the palace door by a royal messenger from home with the word that King What-Soever-Youthink was dead, and that the princes must hasten back to Daybyday, where Really-Is would be crowned with the Magic Crown and become the Ruler of Allthetime.

As he spoke, he pointed afar off to the land beyond the river that marks the end of Allthetime. "I'm sure I cannot tell;" answered Really-Is, shading his eyes with his open hand and gazing long and earnestly in the direction his brother indicated; "It looks it looks like a city." "It is, it is," cried Seemsto-Be. "It is the City Sometime in the Land of Yettocome.

"And your brother, Sire, your brother, Seemsto-Be?" "I will pity Seemsto-Be," replied The King in sorrow, "I will have much pity for that poor, foolish one." "And peace will dwell in thy heart, O King of Allthetime," said Wisdom, "true peace and understanding." Then Really-Is, alone and unattended, rode slowly on his way.

But most of all did they tell of the wonderful Crown, so very old, so very valuable, and how it was a Magic Crown, though no one then knew its magic, but knew only that its magic was. Thus Really-Is and Seemsto-Be learned that the dwellers in Sometime were unlike the people of Daybyday in many ways, but in no way more than this, that they worshiped one god only, only one.

The twin princes Really-Is and Seemsto-Be, on their good horses Reality and Appearance, journeyed very pleasantly through the Land of Allthetime toward the City Sometime in the Land of Yettocome.

To their delight, the princes found that they could even look down upon the Great Wall; and, because there were that day no clouds to shut out the view, they could see far, far away over the Land of Allthetime. "Look, brother," cried Seemsto-Be, catching Really-Is by the arm in quick excitement, "Look! what is that flashing and gleaming in the sun?"

Then said Wisdom: "But you will gain nothing by haste, oh Really-Is, nothing but time, and there is much of greater value than time to a King of Allthetime. Even now is Seemsto-Be entering the city. Even now is he by the people being hailed King. Therefore, tarry a while before you act and listen to my words."

I remember hearing once the Chief Gardener telling the Chief Coachman about it, and he said that the Chief Cook said that he heard the Captain of the Guard say that it is far more wonderful than our own city Daybyday; and it must be so, Really-Is, for see, brother, how the walls shine like polished silver, and look! Is not that a palace or a temple blazing so like a ruby flame?"

So it was, that in all the Royal City Daybyday, in the Land of Allthetime, peace and understanding dwelt only in the heart of this King. And the people more and more came to love Really-Is, even as they more and more turned from Seemsto-Be, notwithstanding the holidays, feasts and parades. Little by little, they learned to watch daily for their King, and with the children would run to greet him.

Greater and greater grew the distance between the two princes farther and farther ahead rode Seemsto-Be; until at last, when the distance between them was such that he could, no longer see his brother, Really-Is, the rightful heir to the throne of Allthetime, understood that Seemsto-Be was riding to win the Crown.