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"I came to see you." "To see me?" "That's what I said." "I have no money to give you, so you can travel," retorted Vane impatiently. "I hain't just ready to travel," grated the tramp. "You act jest as though you didn't know me, Rans Vane?" "Know you?" The young man glanced fixedly into the face of the ragged, filthy looking being before him. "Wal?" "I never saw you before." "Sure?" "I am sure."

When Artie has cut out all rivals in the good graces of his Mamie, he puts it thus, "There ain't nobody else in the one-two-sevens. They ain't even in the 'also rans." When they have a lovers' quarrel he remarks, "Well, I s'pose the other boy's fillin' all my dates." When he is asked whether Mamie cycles, he replies, "Does she? She's a scorchalorum!"

There was an evil glare in the eyes of the speaker. Vane continued to advance threateningly. "Stand back, I say, or you'll get a taste o' this." He displayed a huge knife, the same with which he had threatened Bordine on a former occasion. "Scoundrel!" "It won't do no good to sling words. Rans, I ain't afeard of em."

"Tell me what you know about my poor Victoria's death. You were here just before." "Who told you so?" "It doesn't matter." "I know now. It was that engineer from Grandon. I've forgot his name. He peached on me, I reckin." "You have guessed the truth." "Rans, don't you trust that man." "Why not?" "He kin tell you how Vic come ter die, he kin. 'Twas jealousy and the like that did it."

"Perry, why will you speak so brutally?" "Look a-here, Rans, I ain't none o' your kid-glove kind. I allus speaks out what I hev to say. I hate you and yourn, and I jest tell you in plain English 'at I'm glad your sister's dead; not fur her sake, but because it makes you suffer." "And this is why you murdered her?" "Who said I did it?" "You have just admitted as much." "That's a lie!