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The Moslems, in 637, first captured Damascus; subsequently they approached Jerusalem across the Jordan. The First Crusaders came through Asia Minor and won a decisive victory at Antioch; thence they came southward along the coast, through Ramleh, and up the Valley of Ajalon, their advance through the mountains being unopposed.

The victory at Mughar had almost, if not quite, split the force in two, that is to say that portion of the line which had been given the duty of holding Mughar had been so weakened by heavy casualties, and the loss of moral consequent upon the shock of the cavalry charge, that it had fallen back to Ramleh and Ludd and was incapable of further serious resistance.

After maintaining the pace for a couple of miles they reined in their horses somewhat, and at a canter swept along the neck that divided in old time the lakes of Aboukir and Mareotis, slackened down into a walk as they approached the fresh-water canal, where they stopped for a few minutes to allow their horses to drink, and then continued at a leisurely pace until they mounted the high ground at Ramleh.

Immediately below us the eye rested on the immense olive groves of Ramleh and Lydda, and the picturesque towers and minarets and domes of these large villages.

General Sir Archibald Alison also arrived and assumed the command on shore, and the following day a body of troops marched along the line of railway to Ramleh, six miles distant. Ramleh stands at the point where a narrow neck of land connects the peninsula on which Alexandria stands with the mainland.

The tents are pitched a little beyond Latrûn, twenty miles away. The horses are waiting at Ramleh. After you have had your mid-day breakfast, we will drive there in carriages, and get into the saddle, and ride to our own camp before the night falls." Happy is the man that seeth the face of a friend in a far country: The darkness of his heart is melted in the rising of an inward joy.

Presently we saw Ramleh, in a smoking mist, on the plain before us, flanked to the right by a tall lonely tower, that might have held the bells of some moutier of Caen or Evreux. As we entered, about three hours and a half after starting, among the white domes and stone houses of the little town, we passed the place of tombs.

He sketched the line of coast, drew a few lines indicating the trend of the sand-hills, and marked the special eminences. Then step by step he showed the line where the French would probably post themselves, were a successful landing effected, between the heights of Ramleh and the sea, described the country, and, as far as he could, the lay of the land.

There is a long, low line of hills running north and south through Katrah and Mughair to Zernukah, and here the enemy stood to guard the road to Ramleh and his lateral communications to Jerusalem. The Battalion was fortunate for Yebnah fell without a shot.

Bonaparte's departure for Suez Crossing the desert Passage of the Red Sea The fountain of Moses The Cenobites of Mount Sinai Danger in recrossing the Red Sea Napoleon's return to Cairo Money borrowed at Genoa New designs upon Syria Dissatisfaction of the Ottoman Porte Plan for invading Asia Gigantic schemes General Berthier's permission to return to France His romantic love and the adored portrait He gives up his permission to return home Louis Bonaparte leaves Egypt The first Cashmere shawl in France Intercepted correspondence Departure for Syria Fountains of Messoudish Bonaparte jealous Discontent of the troops El-Arish taken Aspect of Syria Ramleh Jerusalem.