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J.T. PEARSON, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Asiat. Soc. Mollusca. Radiata, &c. Ceylon has long been renowned for the beauty and variety of the shells which abound in its seas and inland waters, and in which an active trade has been organised by the industrious Moors, who clean them with great expertness, arrange them in satin-wood boxes, and send them to Colombo and all parts of the island for sale.

The sands of this formation are often rippled, and were evidently left dry at low tides, so that the surface was dried by the sun and made to shrink and present sun-cracks. Oldhamia radiata, Forbes. Oldhamia antiqua, Forbes. The slates of Llanberis and Penrhyn in Carnarvonshire, with their associated sandy strata, attain a great thickness, sometimes about 3000 feet.

According to M. Hebert, the most characteristic Barton Clay fossils correspond to those of the Gres de Beauchamp, or Sables Moyens, of the Paris Basin, but it also contains many common to the older Calcaire Grossier. Voluta athleta, Sol. Terebellum fusiforme, Lam. Cardita sulcata, Brand. Crassatella sulcata, Sowerby. Nummulites variolaria, Lam. Var. of Nummulites radiata, Sowerby.

But no means were at hand to pursue these unknown creatures to their unknown residences, and to observe their manners when at home. Single, withered, and often mutilated specimens of minute fish, mollusks, or radiata, in the museum, alone illustrated the mysteries of the deep sea.

These four great branches of the animal world are the vertebrata, mollusca, articulata, and radiata. Comparative anatomy found in Cuvier a student who appreciated its importance and revived its efficiency and honors.

"Vertebra, articulata, mollusca, and radiata are evolved by mortal and material thought." "Theorizing about man's development from mushrooms to monkeys, and from monkeys into men, amounts to nothing in the right direction, and very much in the wrong." But it is not only with the natural sciences that Mrs. Eddy is displeased.

In this case, the palaeontologist is called upon suddenly to intercalate about 800 species of Mollusca and Radiata, between the fauna of the Lower Lias and that of the Middle Trias. The period in question was previously believed, even by many a philosophical geologist, to have been comparatively barren of organic types.

Our information respecting the radiata on the confines of the island is, therefore, very scanty; with the exception of the genera examined by him. Hence the notice of this extensive class of animals must be limited to indicating a few of those which exhibit striking peculiarities, or which admit of the most common observation. Star Fish.

The third and fourth volumes are devoted to the Radiata, and consist of five parts, namely: 1st. Acalephs in general. 2nd. Ctenophorae. 3rd. Discophorae. 4th. Hydroida. 5th. For originality of material, clearness of presentation, and beauty of illustration, these volumes have had their full recognition as models of scientific work.

The heart is humbled as the eyes open to the grandeur of the scheme, and to the consequent littleness of individual manhood; but again, the breast swells with the purest of all pride, when the thinker says to himself: I am the King because the hero or highest type of the Articulata, Radiata, Mammalia, or any order of vegetable or animal life.