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Updated: January 1, 2025
The Clypeaster altus, Spondylus gaederopus, Pectunculus pilosus, Cardita calyculata, and several other shells, serve to identify this formation with that of the Madeiras, and Ancillaria glandiformis, which is not rare, and some other fossils, remind us of the faluns of Touraine. The sixty-two Miocene species which I collected in the Grand Canary were referred by the late Dr.
Murchisonia. Porcellia. Athyris. Retzia. Cyrtina. Euomphalus. COLUMN 2: CHARACTERISTIC TRIASSIC GENERA. Ceratites. Cochloceras. Choristoceras. Rhabdoceras. Aulacoceras. Naticella. Platystoma. Ptychostoma. Euchrysalis. Halobia. Hornesia. Amphiclina. Koninckia. Cassianella. COLUMN 3: COMMON TO NEWER ROCKS. Ammonites. Chemnitzia. Cerithium. Monodonta. Opis. Sphoera. Cardita. Myoconcha. Hinnites.
Some of these testacea, such as Cardita squamosa, are inhabitants of deep water, and the deposit on the whole seems to indicate a depth of water exceeding a hundred feet. In the island of St. Mary's, one of the Azores, marine fossil shells have long been known. The pebbles in the conglomerate are cemented together with carbonate of lime. Mr.
In the North-east Australian province we have species of Donax, Mactra and Corbula, all apparently new, from the shallower localities; Corbula tunicata, Pectunculus tenuicostatus, and another, from 8 to 11 fathoms, off Cumberland Islands; species of Arca, Pectunculus, Avicula, Pecten, Venus, Circe, Cardium, Cardita, and Erycina, mostly new, from 15 to 17 fathoms in a sandy and shelly bottom off Cape Capricorn.
One single species, Cardita variabilis, has been observed as occurring in these beds, and in the limestone below the base of the trap at Dudukur. The facies of the forms in this limestone is Tertiary; but there is a remarkable absence of characteristic genera. On the other hand, Mr.
Cardita Patagonica, G.B. Sowerby. 7. Mactra rugata, G.B. Sowerby. 8. Mactra Darwinii, G.B. Sowerby. 9. Trigonocelia insolita, G.B. Sowerby. 11. Crepidula gregaria, G.B. Sowerby. 13. Voluta alta, G.B. Sowerby. 14. Trochus collaris, G.B. Sowerby. 15. Imperfect fragments of the genera Byssoarca, Artemis, and Fusus.
In the South-eastern province we find in forty and forty-five fathoms on a muddy bottom in Bass Strait, Turritella sinuata, Trochus nebulosus, a Pleurotoma, an Emarginula, a Dentalium, two species of Cardita, a Cypricardia, a Venus, a Nucula, and Pectunculus holosericeus.
According to M. Hebert, the most characteristic Barton Clay fossils correspond to those of the Gres de Beauchamp, or Sables Moyens, of the Paris Basin, but it also contains many common to the older Calcaire Grossier. Voluta athleta, Sol. Terebellum fusiforme, Lam. Cardita sulcata, Brand. Crassatella sulcata, Sowerby. Nummulites variolaria, Lam. Var. of Nummulites radiata, Sowerby.
Among the Bracklesham fossils besides the Cardita, the huge Cerithium giganteum is seen, so conspicuous in the Calcaire Grossier of Paris, where it is sometimes two feet in length. Out of 193 species of testacea procured from the Bagshot and Bracklesham beds in England, 126 occur in the Calcaire Grossier in France.
Venus purpurata, Lam. 14. Venus rostrata, Phillippi. 15. Mytilus Darwinianus, d'Orbigny. 16. Nucula semiornata, d'Orbigny. 17. Cardita Patagonica, d'Orbigny. 18. Pecten tethuelchus, d'Orbigny. 20. Ostrea puelchana, d'Orbigny. 21. A living species of Balanus. 22 and 23. An Astrae and encrusting Flustra, apparently identical with species now living in the bay.
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