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There are also twelve genera of Gasteropods which have yielded 36 species, four of which pass to the Carboniferous group, namely Macrocheilus, Acroculia, Euomphalus, and Murchisonia. Calceola sandalina, Lam. Eifel; also South Devon. a. Ventral valve. b.

Murchisonia. Porcellia. Athyris. Retzia. Cyrtina. Euomphalus. COLUMN 2: CHARACTERISTIC TRIASSIC GENERA. Ceratites. Cochloceras. Choristoceras. Rhabdoceras. Aulacoceras. Naticella. Platystoma. Ptychostoma. Euchrysalis. Halobia. Hornesia. Amphiclina. Koninckia. Cassianella. COLUMN 3: COMMON TO NEWER ROCKS. Ammonites. Chemnitzia. Cerithium. Monodonta. Opis. Sphoera. Cardita. Myoconcha. Hinnites.

The Clinton Group, containing Pentamerus oblongus and Stricklandinia, and related more nearly by its fossil species with the beds above than with those below, is the equivalent of the Llandovery Group or beds of passage. Murchisonia gracilis, Hall. A fossil characteristic of the Trenton Limestone. Mr.

Charles Peach was the first to find, in 1854, three or four species of Orthoceras, also the genera Cyrtoceras and Lituites, two species of Murchisonia, a Pleurotomaria, a species of Maclurea, one of Euomphalus, and an Orthis. Several of the species are believed by Mr. Salter to be identical with Lower Silurian fossils of Canada and the United States.