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"Gough bless me, can't a married man mention his wife in company? Well then. Mistress Cap'n Peter Quilliam " This mouthful was the signal for another riotous interruption, and a general call for more to drink. "Won't that do for you neither? I'm not going back on it, though. 'Whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder' isn't that it, Parzon Quiggin?

The instant the bride and bridegroom came out of the church the horses set off for Cæsar's house at a furious gallop. Kate and Pete, Cæsar, Grannie, and Nancy, with the addition of Philip and Parson Quiggin, returned in the covered carriage. At the turn of the road the way was blocked by a group of stalwart girls out of the last of the year's cornfields.

Making his rounds one night, he turned in at "The Manx Fairy," when Cæsar and Grannie were both from home, and Nancy Joe was in charge, and Pete and Katherine were practising a revival chorus. "Where's Cæsar, dough?" he snuffled. "At Peel, buying the stock," snapped Nancy. "Dank de Lord! I mean where's Grannie?" "Nursing Mistress Quiggin."

All at once she was aware that she was alone before the communion rail, with the parson old ruddy-faced Parson Quiggin in his white surplice facing her. Some one came and stood beside her. It was Pete. She did not look at him, but she felt his warm presence again, and was relieved. It was like shelter from the eyes around. After a moment she turned about Philip was one step behind Pete.

"Only an hour ago it was looking up as imperent as a tomtit." At last a new terror seized her, and she cried, "My child is dying unbaptized." "Well, we'll soon mend that, love," said Pete. "I'll be going off for the parson." And he caught up his hat and went out. He called on Parson Quiggin, who promised to follow immediately.

Hence he was nicknamed Old Vanity of Vanities. The gig had swept past Sulby Chapel when Cæsar began to ask for the parson's opinion of certain texts. "And may I presume, Pazon Quiggin, what d'ye think of the text 'Praise the Lord. O my soul, and all that is within me praise His Holy Name?" "A very good text after meat, Mr. Cregeen," said the parson, blinking his little eyes in the dark.

We can find in Irish literature many references that indicate a belief in a self-sustaining, miraculous object similar to the Holy Grail, and the fact that this object was developed into a symbol of some of the deepest and most beautiful Christian truths shows the high character of the civilization and literature of ancient Ireland. REFERENCES: Wright: St. By E.C. QUIGGIN, M.A.

"Time enough, my beauties," cried Pete; "and mind you're not struck that way yourselves one of these days." Away went the dishes, and the parson rose to return thanks. "Never heard that grace but once before, Parson Quiggin," said Pete, "and then" lighting his pipe "then it was a burial sarvice." "A burial sarvice!" A dozen voices echoed the words together, and in a moment the table was quiet.