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She knew Robert Dudley was not wise, so, though she was so fond of him, she never let him manage her affairs for her. She would have wished to marry, but she knew her subjects would think this disgraceful, so she only made him Earl of Leicester: and her liking for him prevented her from ever bringing herself to accept any of the foreign princes who were always making proposals to her.

Communications were entered into with Maryland and North Carolina to restrict the planting of tobacco in order to relieve the overproduction, but negotiations failed, giving rise to much bitterness and contention. Similar proposals were made by Virginia from time to time, but the effort was never successful.

To these proposals the Russian Government gave a conditional assent. Lord Salisbury further claimed that the Sultan should have the right "to canton troops on the frontiers of southern Bulgaria"; and that the militia of that province should be commanded by officers appointed by the Sultan with the consent of Europe.

Define the powers of the Crown as they exist to-day but as they won't exist to-morrow unless you do and your proposals shall have my most sympathetic consideration; but not otherwise." "Surely the question your Majesty raises," interrupted the Prime Minister, "is an entirely separate one." "No doubt you would treat it so," replied the King.

I have been made, here, proposals of marriage, to which I have not listened, not being here under the rule of my king nor near my parents, and I would have left this kingdom had I been given the liberty to do so, but they hold back on me my pay and the price of my merchandise, and I cannot sail away as orders have been given to arrest me in case I should prepare to leave.

Gokhale moved his resolution in the first Session of the Imperial Council at Calcutta last winter for making elementary education free and compulsory, and for the early appointment of a committee to frame definite proposals.

The mercenary heroes listened very favourably to his proposals, although they had already received besides the tricks and promises at least one hundred thousand florins out of the States' treasury.

This, however, was, to his mind, only one example of the intrusion of an evil principle. A more serious case occurred upon Mr. Gladstone's introduction of the first Home Rule Bill in 1886. Fitzjames wrote some elaborate letters upon the 'Irish Question, when the measure was anticipated, and wrote again upon the bill when the debates upon Mr. Gladstone's proposals were in progress.

They, too, bear the responsibility of the rejection of the Leipsic proposals. The people must press for their removal. He added that he would bring forward in the next meeting of the town representatives the proposal that the King should dismiss the Ministry, 'which does not possess the confidence of the people. Amid shouts of exultation and applause, the appeased assembly dispersed."

I assailed the land taxation proposals in one main speech, and a series of minor speeches in committee. The line of attack I chose was that the land was a great public service that needed to be controlled on broad and far-sighted lines.