United States or Mauritania ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The skill of the drawing and foreshortening is masterly as ever, but he does not appear to have referred to nature for the forms; and even Michael Angelo without nature became stale. Vasari says, after describing the frescoes without his customary enthusiasm, "They were his last productions in painting.

In defiance of the eighth section of the act of 1820, in defiance of Congressional dictation, there have been, not many, but a few slaves introduced.... I have no doubt that whether you organize the territory of Nebraska or not this will continue for some time to come.... But when settlers rush in when labor becomes plenty, and therefore cheap, in that climate, with its productions, it is worse than folly to think of its being a slave-holding country.... I do not like, I never did like, the system of legislation on our part, by which a geographical line, in violation of the laws of nature, and climate, and soil, and of the laws of God, should be run to establish institutions for a people."

As a race the Indians are no longer hostile, but may be considered as submissive to the control of the Government. Few of them only are troublesome. Except the fragments of several bands, all are now gathered upon reservations. It is no longer possible for them to subsist by the chase and the spontaneous productions of the earth.

The splendid description which they gave of the soil, the climate, and the productions of the country they had visited, so pleased Elizabeth, that she bestowed on it the name of Virginia, as a memorial that it had been discovered during the reign of a virgin Queen.

Science discovers these laws of power, motion, and transformation; industry applies them to the raw matter which the earth yields us in abundance, but which becomes valuable only by knowledge; art teaches us the immutable laws of beauty and symmetry, and gives to our productions forms in accordance with them. Where did England plant her first colony?

He is a person one can depend upon; his letters are silly productions. Those Russians have always the imagination easily excited. Yes, my father has always the same answer. Thanks for your obliging offer of gloves, my mother must settle about it. I shall still have lavished the following caresses upon you, angel of my delight, were I a little calmer.

The extent of the home trade, and of the capital which can be employed in it, is necessarily limited by the value of the surplus produce of all those distant places within the country which have occasion to exchange their respective productions with one another; that of the foreign trade of consumption, by the value of the surplus produce of the whole country, and of what can be purchased with it; that of the carrying trade, by the value of the surplus produce of all the different countries in the world.

Willis is distinguished for exquisite finish and melody: his language is pure, varied, and rich; his imagination brilliant, and his wit of the finest description." R. W. Griswold. Whittier's Poetical Works, Reprinted from the last American edition. Royal 24mo., beautifully printed, cloth extra, gilt edges, 2s. "His productions are all distinguished for manly vigour of thought and language."

Hence the industrial struggle of all progressive nations to produce more than they consume, export the residue and thereby add to the national wealth. The United States not only excels in the magnitude of natural productions, but in skill in manufacturing articles.

There is something in the Early Norman architecture which appears to the writer awe-inspiring; the massive round column, the bold and simple arch, have a more solemn effect upon his senses than the loveliest productions of the more florid and decorated period. Such a stern and simple structure was this Priory Church of St. Wilfred of Aescendune.