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I forgot to mention that, when I went down to visit the fort on the morning after its fall, the prize-agents were busy on the look-out for prize property, and to keep our lads from picking and stealing; but, had there been a thousand of them, all with the eyes of lynxes, this would have been impossible.

My first care was to put double sentinels on the entrance to the zenanah, till I could, with the other two prize-agents, search that place; but, as they were busy in another place, I took a peep at my double sentinels, and found one of them had left his post, and gone inside. I met him coming towards me with two large boxes, about two feet by three.

I will send it off to your ship to-morrow morning.” With many thanks Will took his leave, and returned with Forster to the prize. On the following morning the quadrant arrived. That afternoon the prize was handed over to the prize-agents, and the crew transferred to the naval barracks, Forster and Gilmore receiving lodging money to live on shore.

To be candid, I may as well confess that I did not walk home, but rode one of the finest Persian horses I ever beheld. I found him loose, running about the fort. I caught him, and rode him with a piece of rope in his mouth. The good-natured prize-agents did not request me to give him up; nor, perhaps, were they aware that I had such an animal in my possession.

During his stay upon this station he had ample opportunity of observing the scandalous practices of the contractors, prize-agents, and other persons in the West Indies connected with the naval service.

Delhi famed for its treasures General Wilson's order Army anxious about prize-money Batta to be granted instead Indignation of army generally Humorous placard Interest on unpaid prize-money promised Opinion of the Times Prize-agents appointed Early looting A white elephant Evidence of looting The practice excused A lucky haul Scruples cast aside Personal experiences A tempting display No proper account rendered Method of search A mine of wealth A neglected opportunity A happy thought A wrinkle A favourite hiding-place An exceptional house A mishap Art treasures "'Tis an ill wind," etc.