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Where formerly had been the vacant lotacross the street,” the Sunday afternoon elysium of the youthful base ball fiend from Biddle Street, now stood a row of brand new pressed-brickflats.” Marvelous must have been the architectural ingenuity which had contrived to unite so many dwellings into so small a space.

Maxine went to the new pressed-brick, many-windowed high school. Milly Pardee was happier than she had been in all her wedded life. Sam Pardee had made no fortune in oil, though he talked in terms of millions. In a burst of temporary prosperity, due to a boom in some oil-stocks Sam Pardee had purchased early in the game, they had paid five thousand dollars down on the house and lot.

He crossed the street and gazed up at the glaring red pressed-brick walls of the Valkyrie corner. All the two score of windows on Dale Street, and the score on Layte Street were closely guarded with solid shutters of a green hue. "God knows what deviltry is going on here," muttered the lad, a coward at heart.

We instinctively looked across at the square, three-story, pressed-brick home of the Chinese Consulate and bank. "Every big fire took at least one side of the Plaza, and the sixth, in June of fifty-one, wiped out the whole square.

The flat-building where Charley Carpenter lived was one of hundreds of pressed-brick structures, apparently all turned out of the same mold. It was filled with the smells of steamy washing and fried fish. Languid with the heat, Mr. Wrenn crawled up an infinity of iron steps and knocked three times at Charley's door. No answer.

Give my love to Enid when you write. I always did think she was a fine girl, though I disagreed with her on Prohibition." Claude crossed the fields mechanically, without looking where he went. His power of vision was turned inward upon scenes and events wholly imaginary as yet. One bright June day Mr. Wheeler parked his car in a line of motors before the new pressed-brick Court house in Frankfort.

The pump is the Worthington patent, and, with a pressure of forty pounds, is capable of raising one million gallons of water every twenty-four hours a height of 176 feet, and is competent to a lift of 180 feet. The boiler house is a neat, pressed-brick structure trimmed with Ohio stone, standing on the surface near the mouth of the well.