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Nicholas Dormer, M. P. for Harsh and son of the late Right Honourable and so forth and so forth, is about to give up his seat and withdraw from public life in order to devote himself to the practice of portrait-painting and with the more commendable perseverance by reason of all the dreadful time he has lost. Orders, in view of this, respectfully solicited."

But it is high time, Eusebius, that I should dismiss you and portrait-painting, or you will think your thus sitting to me worse than sitting for your picture; which picture, if it be of my Eusebius as I know him and love him, will ever be a living speaking likeness, but if it be one but of outward feature and resemblance, it will soon pass off to make up the accumulation of dead lumber while do you, Eusebius, as you are, vive valeque.

Their saying in common, 'Plutarch's Pompeius, may be traceable to a reading of some professorial article on the common portrait-painting of the sage of Chaeroneia. The dainty savageness in the 'bite' Plutarch mentions, evidently struck on a similarity of tastes in both, as it has done with others.

You see, the catch about portrait-painting I've looked into the thing a bit is that you can't start painting portraits till people come along and ask you to, and they won't come and ask you to until you've painted a lot first. This makes it kind of difficult for a chappie.

"I know you did, sir," I replied. "But what was a poor traveling portrait-painter like my husband, who lives by taking likenesses first in one place and then in another, to do? Our bread depended on his using his eyes, at the very time when you warned him to let them have a rest." "Have you no other resources? No money but the money Mr. Kerby can get by portrait-painting?" asked the doctor.

It was with some surprise that I read lately a lament that Dr. Holmes had not written "a great novel" a task which would have been as unsuitable to him as to Dr. Johnson or to Montaigne. It is not a question of a greater or less talent, but of a wholly different talent as distinct as metaphysics and portrait-painting. The same critic complains because Holmes has not been "in earnest" like Carlyle.

One of the merits of the Boosters' Club was that only two persons from each department of business were permitted to join, so that you at once encountered the Ideals of other occupations, and realized the metaphysical oneness of all occupations plumbing and portrait-painting, medicine and the manufacture of chewing-gum.

Batterbury; his mahogany face actually getting white with alarm. "Stop! Don't talk in that dreadfully unprincipled manner don't, I implore, I insist! You have plenty of friends you have me, and your sister. Take to portrait-painting think of your family, and take to portrait-painting!" "Where am I to get a sitter? I inquired, with a gloomy shake of the head. "Me," said Mr.

Johnson puts the case thus: The historian tells either what is false or what is true: in the former case he is no historian: in the latter he has no opportunity for displaying his abilities: for truth is one: and all who tell the truth must tell it alike. It is not difficult to elude both the horns of this dilemma. We will recur to the analogous art of portrait-painting.

And in the meantime, while living in these high hopes, Sebastiano, who had no equal in portrait-painting, executed many from life, and among others one of Pope Clement, who was not then wearing a beard, or rather, two of him, one of which came into the possession of the Bishop of Vasona, and the other, which is much larger, showing a seated figure from the knees upwards, is in the house of Sebastiano at Rome.