United States or Ethiopia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

All the expenses of the trip were paid from the treasury of the traveling club, for there were no inclosed grounds in those days and no questions as to percentage or guarantee were yet agitating the clubs and public. The Excelsiors won every game, and their skillful display and gentlemanly appearance did much to popularize the game in the cities visited.

First, because the American organization has developed no theories of importance. Their chief work has been to popularize some of the French ideas. Second, because the I. W. W. has not yet won for itself a place in the labor movement. It has done much agitation, but as yet no organization to speak of.

Unexpected discoveries of some such kind as this not unnaturally popularize the theory already mentioned, that such a being as a woman without vanity does not exist that, no matter how securely the weakness may lie hidden from observation, it does somewhere or other exist, and some day will out.

Perhaps, however, the eclecticism of the present essay will save it from condemnation. All the while that he indulges in banter the author has attempted to popularize certain ideas which are particularly consoling. He has almost always endeavored to lay bare the hidden springs which move the human soul.

A class in philanthropy should be organized, for serious study in the scientific spirit and by the scientific method, under the direction of as competent a teacher as can be secured. Only those who are determined to do serious work and who have ability to cope with these problems should be admitted. Every attempt to popularize the course should be discouraged.

With the conversion of Malcolm Little, better known as Malcolm X, the Muslims gained a dynamic speaker who did much to popularize and spread their teaching. Although the peculiar doctrines and puritanical practices of the Muslims prevented many from joining the movement, the number of its sympathizers grew rapidly.

It is far too slow to cope with conditions created by an increasing population, unless that increase is carefully regulated. We must, therefore, not permit an increase in population that we are not prepared to care for to the best advantage that we are not prepared to do justice to, educationally and economically. We must popularize birth control thinking.

To breathe in the green of earth and the light of the dead sun! The poetry of your American smoke delights me." St. George smiled as he offered the prince his case. "In America," he said, "we devised it as a vice, your Highness. We are obliged to do the same with poetry, if we popularize it." And St. George was thinking: "Miss Holland. He has seen Miss Holland perhaps yesterday.

In one of his admirable little textbooks, intended to teach and to popularize science, he complacently enumerates the happy modifications effected by that "sublime magician," selection as understood by Darwin.

Nevertheless, within the last few years there has been a serious effort to collect these wild folksongs of the woods and plains by means of notation and the phonograph, and in some cases this has been connected with the attempt to harmonize and popularize them.