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Chorus, Mr. Bawcock, if you please, an', by the way, won't mind my calling you Bawcock, will you? Good Shakespearean word, bawcock: euphonious, too "Accomplisht eke to flute it and to sing, Euphonious Bawcock bids the welkin ring." "If," said Mr. Badcock, in an injured tone and with a dark glance aft at Captain Pomery, "if a man don't like my playing, he has only to say so.

An' now they've a-took my l'il heap o' stones!" Ballast?" He turned to the seaman. "Did I not tell Captain Pomery to ballast with wine?" "We were carrying it all the forenoon," the seaman answered. "There was two hogsheads of claret." "And the hogshead of Madeira, with what remained of the brown sherry?

As she came by with both large sails boomed out to starboard and sheets alternately sagging loose and tautening with a jerk, I caught sight of two of her crew in the bows, the one looking on while the other very deliberately unlashed the anchor, and aft by the wheel a third man, whom I made out to be Captain Pomery himself. "Gauntlet ahoy!"

She perceptibly slackened way, and before long the water astern of her ceased to be ruffled. An oily calm spreading across the sea from shoreward overhauled her by degrees, overtook, and held her, with sails idle and sheets tautening and sagging as she rolled on the heave of the swell. Captain Pomery promptly checked our rejoicing, telling us this was about the worst that could happen.

Fog? A man like Jo Pomery isn' one to mistake a little pride-o'-the-mornin' for proper thick weather the more by token it's been liftin' this hour and more. But 'tis a likelier guess anyway, the Gauntlet being from foreign. 'Lost his bearin's, says you, and come, as you might say, slap through the Manacles; an' by accident, as you might say!

Answered my father, "If you will but step outside and pick up one of these fir-cones in the grass, you can almost toss it on to her deck. She is called the Gauntlet, and her skipper is Captain Jo Pomery. I might have racked my brain for a month to find such a skipper or a ship so well found and happily named as this which Providence has brought to my door.