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Pless's secret agents in the mob. "I wonder if he suspects that I am here," said the Countess paling perceptibly when I mentioned the presence of the two men. "It doesn't matter," said I. "He can't get into the castle while the gates are locked, and, by Jove, I intend to keep them locked." "What a delightful ogre you are, Mr. Smart," said she. Nevertheless, I did not sleep well that night.

Pless's visit to your castle, and a lengthy interview in which you are quoted as saying that he is one of your dearest friends and a much maligned man who deserves the sympathy of every law-abiding citizen in the land." "An abominable lie!" I cried indignantly. Confound the newspapers!"

His dark, handsome face was aglow with pleasure. He was quite boyish. A smallish old gentleman was with him. My introduction to the stranger was a sort of afterthought, it seemed to me. I was informed that he was one of the greatest lawyers and advocates in Vienna and Mr. Pless's personal adviser in the "unfortunate controversy." I accepted a cigar.

Elsie at once proceeded to go into a long series of conjectures as to the probable whereabouts of Mr. Pless's former wife and their child. I was immensely gratified to find that they were now undivided in their estimate of Mr. Pless and firmly allied on the side of the missing countess.

When too late a prince of Anhalt-Pless assembled an armed force in Upper Silesia and attempted to relieve Breslau, but Thiele neglecting to make a sally at the decisive moment, the Poles in Prince of Pless's small army took to flight, and the whole plan miscarried.

"This is what a silly American nobody gets for trying to be somebody over here just because her father has a trunkful of millions," said Elsie, concluding a rather peevish estimate of the conjugal effrontery laid at the door of Mr. Pless's late wife. "Or just because one of these spendthrift foreigners has a title for sale," said Billy Smith sarcastically.

"It's all gone, my dear Elsie, and I gather that father-in-law locked the trunk you speak of and hid the key. You don't know women as well as I do, Mr. Smart. Both of these charming ladies professed to adore Mr. Pless's wife up to the time the trial for divorce came up. Now they've got their hammers and hat-pins out for her and " "That isn't true, Billy Smith," cried Elsie in a fierce whisper.